Does anyone know when The Companion Set will be available ? and the new expansion ? it will be cool to know some days or at least when to expect them! i want to add some elfs :3
Release dates plz
Amazon and at least one online store have 10/31 listed as the release date for the Skavenblight Threat.
Don't expect the elves until Winter.
Huh, we are in winter!!! It has snowed in Nebraska already!
amazon has the skavenblight coming out Nov 4
Let me rephrase then, don't expect it until December at the earliest. has the first battle pack shipping 11/25/09. I know, I was disappointed too.
jaycsin said:
Huh, we are in winter!!! It has snowed in Nebraska already!
Lol'ed at it
Anyway, The Skavenblight Threat as just been delayed, so i think we won't see the Companion pack soon(soon means before 2 months). They already made a spotlight on the other two Battle Packs(
Path of the Zealot
Tooth and Claw
), which will contain some new Elven cards..hope they won't be delayed too much due to Skavenblight's delay
I know it sounds sort of whiny, but I do wish companies would talk about release dates, and if things are delayed, actually talk to their consumers. *sighs*
It's not wheenie, that should be normal deal
Margalus said:
Not sure where you saw that it was delayed - there's been NO info that says that. In fact, the Upcoming tab here at FFG still shows it on the ship on its way over here. I think you're mistaken about any delay. I'd guess it'll arrive the week of Nov. 7th-14th.
This is the part of the above post that should NOT have been in the quote - whoops (gotta love sites that don't you give you the ability to edit your text - a basic function of forum-posting, dar!)
"Not sure where you saw that it was delayed - there's been NO info that says that. In fact, the Upcoming tab here at FFG still shows it on the ship on its way over here. I think you're mistaken about any delay. I'd guess it'll arrive the week of Nov. 7th-14th."
Oh ok, i misunderstood that >.< .
Anyway i saw the edit function, don't know why it's not there now o.O
The "Edit" function is only available for about 5 minutes after you post, then it disappears.
However if you click the "report to the moderator" link, then change the word "reportar" to "editar" in the URL that it generates you can still edit your post. The functionality is still there, it's just the link that's gone.
ChaosChild said:
The "Edit" function is only available for about 5 minutes after you post, then it disappears.
Cool, i tought about the limited time for the "edit" function but i never saw a forum with it, so i didn't think about that option that well.
What is the limited edit time useful for?
jaycsin said: has the first battle pack shipping 11/25/09. I know, I was disappointed too.
I don't trust online retailers guesses on when this will arrive - they're just putting a later date there to be safe and "cover their tracks." Considering how long this pack has been showing as on the "ship" on its way here, (it's been listed as being on the way for over 3+ weeks now), I'd guess it'll arrive any day now.
I'm pretty comfortable with my guess of Nov.7th-14th.
Margalus said:
ChaosChild said:
The "Edit" function is only available for about 5 minutes after you post, then it disappears.
Cool, i tought about the limited time for the "edit" function but i never saw a forum with it, so i didn't think about that option that well.
What is the limited edit time useful for?
Mostly to avoid people editing their posts quickly, removing traces of their prior statements. Basically to avoid 'cheating' / 'abuse'.
I'm not fond of the removal of 'edit' though. It forces one to doublepost.
As for the releasedates... I think they may prefer to avoid giving release dates due to dissapointment created when delays pop up. Hence they probably don't bother focussing too much on giving such info.
Wytefang said:
Considering how long this pack has been showing as on the "ship" on its way here, (it's been listed as being on the way for over 3+ weeks now),
Or maybe...this ship is now in Ethiopia! It's been hijacked by Pirates! (Or perhaps, the Greyjoys saw it as competition for their LCG. Or Cthulhu ate it)
Our store was informed that it should be available after the 20th (a Friday), so expect it shortly before Thanksgiving if your store gets in orders those three days.
FFG doesn't generally have hard and fast release dates for their products. From what I have gathered, if they were to create a release date, they would give themselves some extra weeks for wiggle room (custom delays, bad weather at sea, etc), and that would mean, in a sense, that the games are releasing later than they could if they just did what they currently do, turning around and shipping them to distributors as soon as thet are received at the warehouse. So the question is would we rather have Skavenblight release officially Dec. 11th, or come out in two weeks?
On a related note, Talisman: Frostmarch wasn't expected until late November or early December, but it arriced early and so FFG was able to release it early, just before Halloween. So for all its annoyances, it does have it benefits as well.
Good news, everyone!
Go check the Upcoming page. Skavenblight's been changed to Shipping Now.