All of the big SW game lines have product codes like SWC, SWI, etc. But this games product code is simply SW03. The only other game with just SW is Empire and Rebellion with the code SW01. So where is SW02?
What's the missing game?
I had the same question too. Maybe it is something related to episode 7, which would make some sense if they announced and released it around the new film. Or maybe something else that will be used to surprise us, hopefully sometime soon. Of course it could be a canceled game to, which would be less great.
It could also be something they had in the works and have either tabled or abandoned entirely. We may never see SW02, it's not uncommon for ideas that get far enough along in the design phase to get a production code and then never actually make it to production. But since all the software and branding for that item is already set for SW02, it's not easy to assign it to another product. So just move along to the next number, and who knows, maybe we'll see SW02 in a few years when someone at FFG revisits it.
Edited by thestagIt could be something that is just taking a longer development time.
We have small scale space combat (xwing).
We have large scale space combat (Armada).
We have small scale ground combat (IA).
We don't have large scale ground combat. But I doubt they'd use SW02 for that. That would be more of an expandable thing so it would have it's own header.
Since it's a SW# it's like a 1 shot, or minimally expandable game.
Could be tied to the new movies. Something like Queen's Gambit from Ep1.
Could be tied to the new movies. Something like Queen's Gambit from Ep1.
Probably not that since the SW Risk that was just released is essentially a OT reskin of Queen's Gambit and nothing related to Risk.
A Star Wars coo-op card game.
A Star Wars coo-op card game.
The LCG was going to be co-op until it was completely re-designed. I think it was even demo-ed at GenCon as a co-op at one point.
I agree with the idea that the SW# code is likely for one-off products, or at least ones not designed to have numerous expansions and be their own line. SW02 could be something in development pending approval, or something that was in development and was cancelled, but for whatever reason FFG is keeping the number with it (maybe for internal accounting, since a cancelled project still ran up expenses).
A Star Wars coo-op card game.
The LCG was going to be co-op until it was completely re-designed. I think it was even demo-ed at GenCon as a co-op at one point.
I know. I was following it with great anticipation. I still feel winded from the switch away from co-op. I've been awaiting a Star Wars co-op ever since then.
A Star Wars coo-op card game.
The LCG was going to be co-op until it was completely re-designed. I think it was even demo-ed at GenCon as a co-op at one point.
I know. I was following it with great anticipation. I still feel winded from the switch away from co-op. I've been awaiting a Star Wars co-op ever since then.
You never know; there might be co-op variant rules in Rebellion ; if not, I'm sure you can pitch the interest on BGG or /tg/ and find some homebrew solutions. Heck, I'd even be willing to devote some energy to this venture once the default rules are made public.
I'm sure some enterprising gamer will whip up an Imperial AI for this at some point.
maybe meaning many many many new expansions...bwa-ha-ha
maybe meaning many many many new expansions...bwa-ha-ha
This type of game is awesome but considering their previous similar works I doubt it will have many expansions. And the SW02 that is the missing game in question seems like it wouldn't be related to Rebellion in the same way Empire vs Rebellion isn't related to it. Though I guess if it is a Episode 7 tie in game we will hear about it sooner rather than later.
I'd like to see large scale ground combat, but sadly I must concur that as something expandable, it probably wouldn't be SW02. Still, I can dream of a game that'll let me march a few AT-ATs across the map supporting storm trooper legions, and preferably not getting taken out by murderous, teddy bear savages.