Quest Log?

By cpmorgan, in Quest Log Feedback & Support Forum

hello there guys

I cannot find the quest log.... There is a previous post that asks about that.... I am trying to find it and I cannot... Can anyone help me?

thanks a lot

It's kind of hidden now.. if you want to navigate to it, click "More" at the top of the page (just under the search bar), then "Game tools," and then you'll get the option to go to the quest log.

Ok I found it but every time I click to open it, it sends me back to login page.... Does it need some specific configuration on my pc?

It's kind of hidden now.. if you want to navigate to it, click "More" at the top of the page (just under the search bar), then "Game tools," and then you'll get the option to go to the quest log.

Or it's directly linked if you go from the LotR product page rather than the forum...

Nope whenever I try to open the quest log from either link it keeps opening the log in screen.... maybe its a bug or something....

It's working fine here; my recommendation is to start ruling things out. Try a different web browser, and/or try clearing your browser's history/cookies/etc.

Fixed!!! Thanks a lot for your help all of you guys!!!