Rules question: Lords of the Eldar

By Sicaire, in Rules questions & answers


question about the new card Lords of the Eldar from Battle of Carn-Dum: the rulebook states that "Cost: The number of resources a player must spend from the appropriate resource pool(s) to play this card *from his hand*." (emphasis' mine)

Since Lords of the Eldar can only be played from the discard pile, do you still have to pay the 3 resources or do you only have to have a Spirit hero to match the card's sphere and 'pay' the Action cost by placing the card at the bottom of your deck?

The resource cost could be relevant only for other card effect such as Zigil Miner.

Also if you compare the card text to the Record Cards (Tome of Atanatar, Map of Earnil,...) those specifically mention that the card taken in your discard pile is played as if it were in your hand, thus incurring the resource cost.

thanks for your answers!

Well, it says it can only be *played* while in the discard pile, so I assume it's an overwrite of the rules on the location from which it is played, but it is played as normal.

I think this is worth an official inquiry.

I think this one is very clear. You must pay 3 resources.

Rulebook p. 12

In order for a player to play a card from his hand (or to activate certain card effects), he must pay for it by
spending resource tokens from the resource pool of a hero who has a resource icon that matches the card’s
sphere of influence.

You simply can extend this rule changing the one word "hand" to "discard pile" or you can accept that that the parentheses "(or to activate certain card effects)" means you have to pay 3 resources.

I think you almost definitely have to pay 3 resources, as the card is NOT phrased, "Place Lords of the Eldar on the bottom of your deck from your discard pile to grant all Noldor characters +1 [Willpower], +1 [Attack], and +1 [Defense] until the end of the round," i.e., it doesn't have the "COST to EFFECT" structure. I still think it could take some clarification.

I can't imagine why it wouldn't cost its resources.

We can even use Argument-by-power: the card would be ridiculous at cost 0.

Yeah, you pay 3 spirit resources to play the card from your discard pile. What costs 0 resource is to discard it, through a card effect.

Edited by Lecitadin