Playing this with the kids at my school, and while the first encounter went surprisingly well
Since the first attack was with an AP grenade (custom characters) and it went so well that all 6 of the enemies died at once.
The second encounter went alot less... well.
The kids simply couldn't figure out any way to deal with the droid (apparantly, talking never occurred to them, despite me bringing it up several times... I blame the video game mentality of blowing up every problem that shows up), so they let it step into the garage and then attacked it.
HOWEVER, the droid didn't go down in the first turn. Not even in the second turn.
So, I when they finally killed the droid, (and we were about to stop playing for the session) I said that they could hear how the alarm on the base went off.
Since I did warn them repeatedly that the droid would have an internal comlink to the bases security system and would set off the alarm if they didn't take him out in the first turn, should they choose to attack him.
So... now, here's my question:
The adventure never mentiones how to play it if the alarm goes off.
So, my first thought is that they'll have to make a bee-line for the shuttle to stop the Lieutenant from escaping.
But how many troops are on the base?
The kids counted the chairs in the mess hall, and came up with the number of 48.
But then, in most facilities, you usually eat in shifts, so not everyone eats at once.
That means there's most likely more than that in the base staff.
Sure, not all are soldiers, some are just support staff, but that's still quite alot.
How would you guys reccomend I play this one out?
Ps. Playing next week.