A question about rumor quests and the fair judgment for a campaign well balanced

By Dommus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Just started Shadow Vault campaign with my group as an OL and got 2 act I quest available via Rumor mechanics - Food for the worms and Finders and keepers. For the record, we play with a house rule that we stated the following: the loser of the current map chooses the next quest. We thought that would be interesting to give players a chance of avoiding a losing streak that can be very frustrating.

So, after losing the 1st blood intro, I managed to choose a quest, and I opted for Food for the worms. Previously to the choice, I knew that this quest would be very hard for the players to win, almost impossible with only one exp point. So, we ended the quest having the regular win for the OL and a plus with the master worm escaping through he entrance, as stated in quest, allowing the OL to get a relic and a OL card reward.

Obviously my group did not like the way I did things, and in my defense I said I just played by the rules, but in my point of view I got to harsh with them.


Point 1: They could off at least having the master worm killed, and focus on searching goods to extract from the map the maximum possible and preventing me to have a free OL card.

Point 2: Since the TT mini campaign advices the players to have at least 4 exp and 100 gold for each player, I feel bad for having them to start with just 1 exp and 100 gold from the intro.

Point 3: The rumor quest actually does not take a slot from act I quests in the main campaign, so thats pretty recoverable by the heroes on the campaign run.

Having this in mind Im not certain about what to do...

My concern here, for the experienced OL's: besides the house rule I mentioned above, did I play ok by the rules? Would any of you do things in a different way (a more fair quest option I mean)? In this case, since its already done, would you do any change to repair the damage dealt?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Dommus

Yeah it sounds like it- if you played the food for worms rumor card after the introduction and then chose it as an available quest, that's legitimate. I haven't re-read the victory conditions.

I have experienced first hand rumors being played in a campaign with lower XP than heroes would have in a mini campaign- the OL just recently crushed our party in "My House, My Rules" in a similar circumstance. Regardless of how a rumor quest goes for the heroes, they always get an extra shop step, and they usually can gather some loot. It may not always benefit them to play a rumor, but it's usually not all bad. Honestly, the only way this would have been prevented in your current case is if the heroes were the ones picking the first act 1 quest (though in that case you may not have laid down the card.)

(though in that case you may not have laid down the card.)

Hm, so, when exactly is the moment I can lay down the rumor cards to be available quests? I need to be in the position of choosing a quest to put them on the play area? Or, you mean I can put the rumor card in play, making the rumor become an available quest, but since the heroes won the 1st blood, they could choose the Food for the worms, but obviously they would preffer a regular quest from the main campaign instead?

Check out the rumor quest rules- you can lay down a rumor card during the campaign phase to make it an available quest. Yes, I was referring to the fact that if it was an available quest, it would not be picked by them.

Ok. Got your point. Tyvm for the assistance Zalt!

Edited by Dommus

Doesn't look to me like you broke any rules if you are playing by your house rules

Some rumor cards instance specifically in the end of the card the following: "if this card is in play when you transition to act II, the OL receives (...). Then place the (...) Advanced quest card in play", in this case the rumor quest "Finders and Keepers" fits as a perfectly example. However, others rumor quests, like "Gold Digger" says nothing if no one pick it until the end of act I. So:

a) knowing each rumor quest has an specific advanced quest related to it, plus the fact that a no attempted quest in act I is an auto win for the OL, is it correct to assume if the players do not pick quests like "Gold digger" until the end of act I the related rewards for the OL will be given to him (OL) and the advanced quest card will be enabled in act II following this logic line of thinking?

b) The OL do not get any reward but the advanced quest will still be an available quest at act II?

c) The rumor quest ends there, no further events.

Share your positions please :) .

Edited by Dommus

Are you asking which of the three things happens for the card with no extra instructions, like "Gold Digger"?

EDIT: I should probably be helpful. If that is what you are asking, the answer is "c."

Advanced quest cards are ONLY put into play when a game effect specifically tells you to. For Rumor cards from Lair of the Wyrm or Trollfens, this is pretty much only at the completion of the corresponding Act 1 rumor. For Manor of Ravens and H&M pack rumors, the card has different instructions which can cause that advanced quest card to be put into play even if the rumor was not attempted by the heroes.

This is a change in the way the rumor cards were designed, but it was never made retroactive. Therefore, older rumors (Lair and Trollfens) actually behave differently than the later rumors.

Short answer: Follow the card instructions. Don't put an advanced card in play unless the card (or the quest you just finished playing) tells you to.

Edited by Zaltyre

Roger that!

And yes, that was exactly I was trying to ask. Sry, my english is often confusing.

Edited by Dommus

The heroes in my group choose to do crown of destiny right after the interlude. They didn't care if they won or not and now have 2 act 2 weapons for the first act 2 quest.


Advanced quest cards are ONLY put into play when a game effect specifically tells you to...

We finished an act I quest "Burning Harvest" and it stated at the end of quest, in the rewards, "place the "Crown of Destiny" advanced quest card in play". So, as an Overlord, can I force the party to play an Act II rumor quest during act I? Seems like a bad situation for the player?

No. Act 2 quests are only valid choices during Act 2.