Yay for promo Lizardman... mass discard is back, so pack that anti-discard...

By guitalex2008, in UFS Deck Building


1 6/6 .Lizardman. +0M


3 2/4 Power of the Edge +4M
4 2/5 Sa, Symbol of Protection +2M
2 2/5 Hoping for a Challenge +2M

4 4/3 3L4 Spinning Demon +1L - Kick - Multiple:1
4 6/2 2L8 King's Reverse DDT +3M - Throw - Combo (can't use)
4 5/3 3L4 Wipe the Floor +1M - Kick
2 4/2 4L6 Alphard Maliki - Throw
2 3/3 4L2 Razor's Bite +2M - Weapon

4 0/5 Man Behind the Mask +3M
4 2/5 Enemies now Friends +2H (BEASTLY here)
4 2/5 Body of Souls
4 2/5 Fatherly Love
4 2/5 Chasing After the Power
4 2/5 Dread Pirate +3H
4 2/5 Ka Technique +3M
4 3/4 Keep Them Down
4 3/5 War Between Sisters +3M

Total: 62 cards


SURE, everyone mentioned all you needed to do was keep low blocks to shut Lizardman down. Good luck blocking those low throws.

Take an attack, reversal with a low throw, put as many Keep Them Downs as possible into it, couple that with War Between Sisters and (if you have larger handsize) King's Reverse DDT's E and Lizardman's E and you have a soft lock of deliciousness.

Among the couple of awesome interactions, there's the Hoping for a Challenge on your opponent's attack, take it, gain the momentum and reversal with Spinning Demon. Sure, it might not seem like much but when backed by a Keep Them Down and Lizardman's E, it can shut down turns. Also, Lizardman LOVES to make friends from enemies. Enemies now Friends on their attack, reducing the blow (maybe even a Sa for good measure), then the next played attack gets +4 damage for each Enemies if the opponent's attack deals damage. Well... um, let it deal damage, play any low attack as a Reversal with +4 damage.

HEY VIK, stop trying to make Nina work and look forward to THIS one.

Looks quite like mine =p

No love for Controller of Souls? ;D


Sorry I just dislike the card and think it's incredibly overrated. And over-rarified. And overpriced.

Hopefully some other non-UR, non-$20 card with or without the abysmal card draw will be released soon for Void.

A completely non-issue problem I have with the card is... OMG is the title text so tiny... it's like BABY text! You're a PRETTY little overrated piece of crap, OH YES YOU ARE!!!!

It used to be relevant when Olcadan's was still around. Now it's Path, but I prefer just blocking.

I'm digging it, but why even bother with the two extra 2CC throws at all if you are going to run 16 attacks anyway? Just run 4x Bite, the consistency is worth it.

I like Controller in the sideboard if not main, sometimes canceling a Path on an attack you CAN'T block will win you games. I don't think you NEED to maindeck it though.

I agree with Vik ; I'd run 4 of Alphard Maliki .

This may sound kind of crazy considering I just suggested you add 2 checks, but I think King of the Ring has great potential in this deck, as it can turn those low throws into something really ugly with either E (-1 HS for my opponent or +3 damage? Choices...).

Both good points.

The reason I'm running 6 2CC throws is that:

1) Well, 8 > 6, obviously, and with me running two 3 diffs that are actually relevant and would SUCK to fail early game... it is already a risk, so I want to run as few 2's as possible, but...

2) Also, since throws are the ONLY ones that will get around blocking (Lizardman's supposed bad side), it is relevant to run as many throws as possible. There are only two low throws for Void, and you're looking at them. I could go as far as doing 3 and 3 instead of 4 and 2, but it's important I run both.

3) Also, while Alphard Maliki is lower diff, it also doesn't have a block. Like Vik pointed out, sometimes there are big attacks that you definitely WANT to block, or at least have the choice to. Since odds are I may only have actions and attacks in hand, I want blocks in them.

4) The more printed damage, the better. Running Razor's Bite in multiples means a single Stand Off will eat it alive. The deck has very little damage pump, other than Enemies Now Friends (which have I mentioned how important it is here?). Not to mention that, without using Path, Razor's bite will probably be one of the first attacks, to determine if Fatherly Love is worth it at any point in the turn. Basically, if it shows an attack, it's worth it unless you risk discarding two attacks, or a single throw. If it is one of the first attacks, even the smallest damage reduction in the game will make it a donut.

The important thing of the deck is to play THROWS during their turn, anything else on your turn (unless ENF is out and you have Spinning Demon and momentum for it). This is because the idea is to strip their hand, and they will basically have no say in it. Combined with King's DDT's E (if applicable), this becomes pretty disgusting and uphill for the opponent.

Against a 7HS character, having two King's DDT and a Body of Souls means it's a VERY uphill battle. Reverse with one, use E. On your turn, play the other one, use E, Body of Souls the other one back to hand, play anything else on hand.

Against anyone else, just Keep Them Down + War Between Sisters will do, but the occasional Wipe the Floor will let you force a discard, possibly look at their hand for multiple discards and if they don't block, another discard.


Man I can not wait to play him.. Ohhh.. It makes me hard. Void is back baby!!!

About Stand Off...

You do realize Lizardman's E simply says not blocked, right?

They can not block your attacks all they want. Eventually, they won't be able to block =D

MarcoPulleaux said:

About Stand Off...

You do realize Lizardman's E simply says not blocked, right?

They can not block your attacks all they want. Eventually, they won't be able to block =D

Man, but after taking the damage of an attack, I don't want Keep It Down or Wipe the Floor's void E to not work. It would make me sad. Very sad.

Which is why I'm nearly thinking of flat out removing War Between Sisters in place of Martial Arts Champion... I'm too weary of anti-discard, and Keep Them Down makes them discard after the attack resolves (if they discard Warrior's Path from a War Between Sisters I would also be very sad). However, no one cares about Warrior's Path for some unknown reason. I also don't care about Gut Drill being played for free because it will no longer be able to get Stun:2 (it's their turn technically, so boo to that).