Portland, OR - Massing at Turkana

By Mikael Hasselstein, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

The blockade around the Mon Calamari homeworld continues to tighten. With Turkana having fallen to the Imperial Navy, the Empire is preparing to push on for Munto Codru and Reginard. It also stands poised to bring the Imperial Star Destroyers and Raider-class Corvettes to bear.

Meanwhile, the Mon Calamari shipyards are working around the rotations to prepare their Star Cruisers for battle. The Rebellion is aware that this is their last best hope for building a fleet capable of withstanding the Imperial Navy demonstrating the ability to protect the peoples who dare to stand up to the Empire.


Date: 11/20/2015
Location: The Portland Game Store

Time: 4:00 (gameplay to start at 4:30)