I decided to try and build a discard Kisheri for standard and this is what I've got thus far...
3x death characters
4x double face kick
4x spinning demon
4x midnight launcher
2x shockwave palm
4x Sa, symbol of protection
3x cold and indifferent
3x Eiserne drossel
2x Ymirfang
2x Tekken forces
4x keeper of the watchers
4x perfect sense of balance
4x maniacal laughter
4x treacherous offspring
4x cursed blood
3x war between sisters
3x sworn to protect
3x the azure knight
3x Ka technique
I chose death for Kisheri because I liked being able to use keeper of the watchers to trigger Kisheri's ability. I'll likely be testing this deck today and later in the week. any thoughts or suggestions on how to ramp it up are appreciated.