Hi all,
I have a question about how to deal with conditions when special rules from the Campaign Book apply.
There are certain conditions (e.g. Burning, Stunned) that require taking an action to remove it. That is clear for heroes in all cases. But what happens when a character receives one of these conditions and the Campaign Rules state that this character or figure can only perform a specific set of actions and no other actions? For example Friedrich (treated as a hero) in The Monster's Hoard, in which the Campaign book specifies that he can only perform one movement action and no any other actions. Or Ruin (monster) in The Frozen Spire, in which the Campaign book specifies that he can only perform a one-tile-forward movement. Can they remove the condition without contradicting the Campaign Special Rules?
As far as I know, Campaign rules prevail over any other rules and in our current campaign the OL states that removing the conditions is a clear contradiction. The heroes disagree but we seem to be unable to get to an understanding in this campaign and need help to unlock this situation
Thank you!