And send them to the EU... because, apparantly, we're all out...
Can't seem to find a single one anywhere... and I only got one of them and I want the other two.
(Oh and ordering from the states is not an option, as the shipping means it would cost about as much as a new rulebook...)
While you're at it FFG, lets get a few more of these decks to expand the options.
- Creatures... Spintiri ice hounds, nexu, mynocks, gundarks, dewbacks, banthas, wampas, taun-tauns, rancor, krayt dragons (youth and adult!), etc.
- Something themed for the Force & Destiny line... Force users (light and dark), inquisitors, etc.
- Droids... Battle, assassin, astromech, protocol, medical, etc.
made good choice with ordering them. also, for F&D , JEdi/Sith adversaries would awesome
The UK has been out of them for ages.. why do FFG simply not produce more?
Its the same with the books, we are always out of stock.
I know gamers who have just given up on the system as the stocking rate is so pitifully low. If FFG actually produced more they would make more money.
It seems such a strange way to do business. Here is hoping they listen and will produce more.
And send them to the EU... because, apparantly, we're all out...
Can't seem to find a single one anywhere... and I only got one of them and I want the other two.
(Oh and ordering from the states is not an option, as the shipping means it would cost about as much as a new rulebook...)
They are print on demand, the eu distributors need just to order them and they will get a shipment, which means you just need to pre-order them with your local store and increase demand until demand is high enough for the distributor to order them and make enough money despite the shipping.
So go to your stores, tell them you want to order via the heidelberger spieleverlag and increase the numbers of orders, because I will get mine that way faster as well
The irony is that they printed tons of useless spec decks, but kept those 5 useful decks as print on demand options in low numbers.
Not found a UK shop yet that will do a pre order on them, as Esdevium the UK supplier are so crap at fulfilling orders, so shops wind up with unhappy customers waiting ages for a product that may never arrive.
Its a flawed system for FFG.
The principal is sound, but frankly, most shops will not pre under unless its for a new release. They know they will get stock for!
Not found a UK shop yet that will do a pre order on them, as Esdevium the UK supplier are so crap at fulfilling orders, so shops wind up with unhappy customers waiting ages for a product that may never arrive.
Its a flawed system for FFG.
The principal is sound, but frankly, most shops will not pre under unless its for a new release. They know they will get stock for!
Yeah, my store warned us as well, months are likely and they had to wait once 7 months on such an order, the FFG system is very flawed and it seems like every store and every FFG distributor is aware of that, but FFG still does nothing about it. On top of that are print on demand orders only available for flagship stores, limiting the available options for customers further.
If FFG would work on their shipping conditions this would be acceptable for customers, but FFG is utterly terrible for customers outside of north america.
It does seem the case.. they don't prioritise or if cynical.. don't care about non US based customers. I guess being a US based business makes it easier and so they just focus on the home market.
Its a shame as I have struggled to get new players and GMs into the system through our club, as the book availability is so dire! The print runs sell out so quickly, and are not refilled for months and months.
Over all I think FFG's under supply is costing them.
As once a gamer is put off a system, they rarely come back to it, as they find something else to satisfy their needs.
While you're at it FFG, lets get a few more of these decks to expand the options.
- Creatures... Spintiri ice hounds, nexu, mynocks, gundarks, dewbacks, banthas, wampas, taun-tauns, rancor, krayt dragons (youth and adult!), etc.
- Something themed for the Force & Destiny line... Force users (light and dark), inquisitors, etc.
- Droids... Battle, assassin, astromech, protocol, medical, etc.
made good choice with ordering them. also, for F&D , JEdi/Sith adversaries would awesome
Just wanted to give this a little nudge again in as far as additional CRB Adversaries as well as creatures, like mentioned above, would be REALLY handy... In fact one of the best resources produced for these gaming lines!
Please FFG, do some Adversary Deck expansion(s) and reprint the first batch (for those who may have missed out)...
It appears that our pleas have been heard:
Not only that, but all six decks were in stock at the FFG online store. I just ordered all of them. I can't wait to see what the new ones contain.
Not only that, but all six decks were in stock at the FFG online store. I just ordered all of them. I can't wait to see what the new ones contain.
I just got a notification from FFG and Asmodee that my decks are on the way and should arrive in 2 days. So the FFG store is delivering when no one else can. I guess it helps to be your own printer...
Tried to order the new ones from a UK supplier. Transaction went through fine so I was all happy. Package arrived today, just Imperials and Rebels 2 in it and a refund for the others as they 'did not receive sufficient stock and the wholesaler has no date for restock listed'.
1/3 is better than nothing I guess.
I preordered them on a German Online Shop, got them all a few days back, but the shop also went straight out-of-stock