Does anyone have any idea how FFG generated the stats for the ships. It would be useful to be able to create more options for our players.
Starship stats question.
Guess what they'll probably be publishing in a future supplement.
As of now, there are too few starships to reverse-engineer the formula used, if there is one.
Creating new ships really isn't that hard. Start with the closest ship of the same size. Every time you increase a stat. Decrease another. If it's a Xenos ship decrease a few stats if the Xenos are less advanced. Increase it if they are more advanced. Swap prow and dorsal mounts. Swap a set of broadside mounts (starboard, and port) for a dorsal. Simply adding another dorsal or prow weapon would likely boost the ship to another class. For example a raider to a heavy raider. I'd charge 1/2 the difference in ship points for the next class, and reduce speed and maneuverability by 1/2 the difference.