Ship Resource

By Mournstorm, in Rogue Trader

For what its worth, here's a good resource for Battle Fleet Gothic. While very BFG specific, it holds a wealth of material that may prove to be of use to Rogue Trader players and GMs. And the PDF downloads are free. Free is always good. gran_risa.gif

Enjoy. cool.gif

Forgot to mention that Warp Rift #17 has a nice piece on Rogue Trader ships/fleets etc....


Great to see the Warp Rift link. I am the Warp Rift dictator so if you have any idea for a cool Rogue Trader RPG - Battlefleet Gothic article just contact me.

best regards,

horizon said:

I am the Warp Rift dictator

So, you're overcosted, but necessary for your attack craft?

pffft. gran_risa.gif

I kinda like the Dictator in an Imperial fleet. Ain't a bad ship at all. Depends on the doctrine you follow.

Wow, that is such a good resource. Thanks!


The Dictator wasn't overpriced back when it could just sit in back and space craft every turn.

The limit is one of the few rules from 2ed edition I prefer to ignore.