Ok, so this is my first time as a GM and tbh I'm only just getting started into RPG's. So I'm going to be having a game very soon, I understand that this layout is meant to guide you through what to do as you play, However I have gone ahead and had a look through the first 4 encounters and the interlude to get a sense of what I'll need to do and how it will play out.
However, having a look at the interlude (after players have been awarded xp etc.) it mentions that PC's can choose to explore the valley if they wish, and to have a look at 'Other encounters in the valley' section.
This is where I get worried.
It is left mainly open as to what may happen (with exception of hunter encounters or talking to gatekeeper). Therefore my question is, should I have something prepared for these encounters, and if so, how in depth do they need to be?
(E.g. Lake has a ruin at the bottom, will they want to explore? The forest is tainted and at night requires PC's to take discipline check. How do you decide whether it's day or night? At the rockfall, will players be able to decide upon a knowledge check for the seated figure or do I guide them to such a conclusion?)
Thanks in advance