Store Championships in Ontario?

By chriscook, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Are there any stores in Southern Ontario getting a store championship. We are willing to travel from Buffalo to Missassaga orHamilton to play in any kind of tourney.

I saw that there has been a few tourneys in the Ontario area. Please post on this site when they are happening. Us in the state want to cross the ditch and battle.

If anything comes up in my area I will let you know.

I think someone is putting together a pretty big one soon.

Event at a great game store in Toronto.

It's a must-go-to store for me when I'm in the area. Bring many Americano dollars and reap the rewards of a crazy exchange rate.

Thank you for the info. I can not attend because we have a tourney here on Dec 4th. But please keep posting about future tourneys and also let us know how it went.

U are more than welcome to the Dec 4th tourney. It would be a late night getting back to TO. We should have at least 8 players.

I'm a TO and Armada enthusiast in the Toronto area. I know for a fact that 401 Games will be hosting an Armada Store Championships in the upcoming new year. If you are on Facebook, you should join both the Star Wars Armada Ontario and Star Wars Gaming Ontario facebook groups - they will keep you up to date on all the tournament happenings around Ontario.

Hey thanks Cod, Im on the Armada Ontario group but I didn't know about the other one.

The Armada group is very quiet with very few people actually talking or interacting.