Timing of Evade and Use of Other Defence Tokens

By Reath28, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

When using evade do you declare the use of your other tokens prior to any reroll on dice or are you allowed to make them reroll first and then choose whether to Brace after.

You can spend the Evade, wait for the Reroll, and then decide wether to Brace, Redirect, Etc...

It was certainly answered via Email here, but I have a feeling* it may have made it to the FAQ...


Yes! It made to the latest FAQ:

Star Wars Armada, FAQ, Page 2, "Attacks"

Q: Can a ship spend an evade token to reroll a die and wait to see the result before spending another defense token?

A: Yes.

Edited by Drasnighta

You can wait and see. It is in the latest FAQ I believe.

Excellent, thanks for the quick responses. I didnt realise there was an updated FAQ out. Time for some reading.

Must one use Evade token first before other defence tokens?

Must one use Evade token first before other defence tokens?

Its not so much of a must in the fact that you just do , as the Evade resolves immediately , and the other tokens resolve afterwards .

So delcaring the use of a Brace, then an Evade, doesn't mechanically make any difference... As you are deciding to brace away half of the eventual damage.

Of course, if you wait until the other defense tokens resolve , then you're outside of the Spend Defense Tokens step, and can't go back ...

So its not so much of a Must , in that you just do .

So 3x hits from 2x red dice cannot be all removed by a Brace token first and a Evade token second?

(One hit cancelled by Brace and the two remaining hits on the last dice is removed by the Evade)

You have a mistake there -

Brace does not cancel Hits . It does not cancel Dice.

Brace only divides the Final number of Hits that you arrive at, after other defense tokens have been spent.

The Rule:

• Brace : When damage is totaled during the “Resolve Damage” step, the total is reduced to half, rounded up.

So, given your Example:

I have 2 Red Die:


If I spend a Brace, I am saying I will halve any remaining damage, once I have progressed beyond this point .

If all I spend is the Brace, then HIT-HIT HIT becomes 3 Damage, Divide by 2, Rounding up, to 2 Damage. And I cannot go back and remove a Die at this point (ie, Spend the Evade)

Evade, however, physically discards the Dice involved, which are not there at the resolve damage step.

So you can Declare your Brace, then Declare an Evade.

Brace does nothing right now, as we're still at the Defense Tokens Step.
Then Evade lets us get rid of Either Dice... So naturally, we pick the HIT-HIT.

This means when we progress to Resolve Damage , we have HIT, which becomes 1 Damage, which Brace Halves, to 1.

So you just kind of do it that way, because otherwise, you're shooting yourself in the defense tokens...

Edited by Drasnighta

You have a mistake there -

Brace does not cancel Hits . It does not cancel Dice.

Brace only divides the Final number of Hits that you arrive at, after other defense tokens have been spent.

Okay so I did get it right earlier today, I just couldn't find the right explanation as you have just made, to my opponent, who thought that Brace removed half the dice that had hits.

But one has to ignore the notion that brace "removes" dice in the first place.

Thanks :)

Edited by Kiwi Rat

So Brace happens after damage is totalled up.

So chain of events goes as follows.

Roll attack



Spend defense tokens (evades go here)

Critical effects (contain goes here)

Total damage (brace happens here)

Deal damage (redirect goes here)

Edited by Lyraeus