Confronting Your Inner Demons

By ColtsFan76, in Android

This is a huge selling point for me. Iirc, this game has been in development for years, so they should have had plenty of time to flesh out the story lines to an acceptable degree. There is nothing worse than a story line that hasn't been given enough attention. Thankfully, this doesn't appear to be the case.

But I'll probably still let others buy the game first and wait for the initial reports. Safety first!

I am hugly impressed with this snippet of info. Really makes me want to know more about the game, and gives the game, no characters in the game huge depth. We've all played Clue(do for us Brits) but have parallel plots in tandom with the main murder theme is something completely new - and of massive interest to me...

I was on the fence with this game - I may have just been tipped over...

Someone over on Board game Geek brought up an interesting question. On the plot cards that Kevin wrote about (bravo, by the way, loving the sounds of these!!!), it discusses moving a “suspect” away from a certain area on the board. Is this the same thing as the testimony lead or is it any lead? What exactly is a “suspect?”


jpalmer1976 said:

Someone over on Board game Geek brought up an interesting question. On the plot cards that Kevin wrote about (bravo, by the way, loving the sounds of these!!!), it discusses moving a “suspect” away from a certain area on the board. Is this the same thing as the testimony lead or is it any lead? What exactly is a “suspect?”


You brought up an interesting point the rulebook doesn't seem to clarify. I'll post in another thread to ask this one.

Wow... this article really shows what cool "depth" is on all those cards. I'm really impressed with the plot card mechanic. I'm also really glad I have this game pre-ordered. Now I just have to wait... for it to arrive... and then round up enough people to make it play. Probably won't happen until I can make it through to Christmas break... ah well.

Great article!


Isn't it out already.... argh....

still waiting...

I, too, am very excited about this. I will definitely be picking up a copy.

It's easy to give a character flavor text. It's a whole other ball of wax to make that flavor an integral part of the game. This direction of developer thought will be/is excellent for the genre. I hope it catches on quickly.

Amen to that! That story card thing is just a sparkle of genius!

This appears as if it addresses one of my major complaints with Arkham Horror: the fact that the flavor and story mainly exist in areas that are distractions from your objective. This looks like it will be well in your favor to fully exploit your and other investigator's backstories and plotlines in order to secure victory. As with Sausageman, I was on the fence about this game, but this probably just won me over.