
By Frog, in Runewars

No dice = No dice for me!

Sorry FFG! I am an Ameritrasher and I need my dice combat!!!


That's the stupidest reason to not buy I game I've ever heard of.

Magic Pink said:

That's the stupidest reason to not buy I game I've ever heard of.


Starcraft is about as Ameritrash as you get, and it has no dice. Sure, some people don't like the combat mechanics, but it's still an "Ameritrash" game through and through.

(Note for those who don't know the term, "Ameritrash" isn't necessarily a disparaging term)

Middle Earth Quest no dice but combat system is perfect!!

I love diceless combat systems. Really stupid reason. But sure there's an easy possibility for including dice like in A&A or TI.

Especially when combats are dice-resolved like in Fury of Dracula...

Are Runewar combats resolved like in Fury?

I admit it feels a little bit strange not to have dice...

I agree. How is combat resolved without dice. Is there less strategy when chance isn't involved?

I love to roll De Bones demonio.gif but you can have a realistic combat situation without them.Plus you won't have to be hunting around the floor for when the die jumps off the table....well your still going to have to get down there for the movement die but it's one less thing to have to worry about.


Jakews said:

I agree. How is combat resolved without dice. Is there less strategy when chance isn't involved?

Starcraft shows that there is still plenty of strategy without dice. No dice doesn't necessarily mean no "luck" or "chance" - card based combat can have that elment too, but it is just a different way to "control" the chaos.

I like dice too. However, I don't mind diceless combat on principle (Hannible: Rome vs. Carthage has a great system). I do object to avoiding dice just because they are dice.

I'm glad that different game mechanics are being developed, but sometimes the old way is just the best. Wool and down are still the best insulators in some situations, despite all of DuPont's fancy developments.

Dicelessness is a fad and some games try to be "hip, trendy - diceless!" and end up being the equivalent of public service posters aimed at youth that are obviously written by some adult trying to sound young that get only half the jargon right.

I am really excited about the game, but have to say that, the longer I think about it, the more disappointed I get that there are no dice and all that implies about the kind of game it is.

superklaus said:

Are Runewar combats resolved like in Fury?

I admit it feels a little bit strange not to have dice...

No no, man, no worries (I mean, we still don't know about Runewars, but im sure it ll be far from Fury's mechanics in combats). I just meant to second superklaus : that I love diceless combats too, especially when dice combats are resolved like in Fury (which I like, but regrets the combat mechanics). Although, combats are dice resolved in Arkham, and I am devoted to that game, so.... let us just wait, guys, ok ? it ll be nice, for sure :)

Incidentally, maybe I just missed the part that says it's going to be diceless, but I don't remember seeing anywhere that says one way or the other. It could be inferred, I guess, from the "more info" where it lists components without listing dice, but it could easily be an incomplete list just highlighting some of the key points.

Of course, if one of the articles DOES specifically mention it and I've overlooked it, that is possible; could someone point me to that?

sigmazero13 said:

Incidentally, maybe I just missed the part that says it's going to be diceless, but I don't remember seeing anywhere that says one way or the other. It could be inferred, I guess, from the "more info" where it lists components without listing dice, but it could easily be an incomplete list just highlighting some of the key points.

Good point. That component list is just an advertisement right now, not a complete inventory like we usually find in FFG rulebooks. Is there any supporting information for the idea that Runewars is diceless beyond this component list? I'd like to see it too, if there is. Not that the answer will really prevent me from buying this game, of course =)

sigmazero13 said:

Incidentally, maybe I just missed the part that says it's going to be diceless, but I don't remember seeing anywhere that says one way or the other. It could be inferred, I guess, from the "more info" where it lists components without listing dice, but it could easily be an incomplete list just highlighting some of the key points.

Of course, if one of the articles DOES specifically mention it and I've overlooked it, that is possible; could someone point me to that?

Great point! I just assumed that everyone else knew something I didn't. There is still hope!

To Quote the Discription Page of Runewars:

"in Runewars' innovative CARD-BASED combat system"

In my experience, cards offer more control and strategic depth than rolling dice around so I'm glad they're out.

me too i prefer diceless combat like Starcraft.. looking forward to first previews

Hagard said:

To Quote the Discription Page of Runewars:

"in Runewars' innovative CARD-BASED combat system"

Yoohoo, missed that one, thanks ! Great news indeed !

Ah, I see it now, I must have missed it. Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that there are no dice at all (but rather that the cards are the primary factor), though I think that's more likely now.

Which is fine. I like me some dice-fests, but I also like the way Starcraft handled combat.

To me, dice-based systems create a better simulation of combat than do MOST card-based systems. Real war always has a random element. The best laid plans don't always go off as expected, and they are not always foiled by enemy action (meaning, because the other guy has a particular card).

I think that card-based systems appeal because they offer more control to players.

They appeal to me because I love the tension of drawing a card to see what I get. However, they feel less realistic and thus reduce my level of immersion.

I like the card combats, especially the way StarCraft handled it. There was some randomness, but also some bluffing and strategy. Sounds like it could be a nice combo of A Game of Thrones and StarCraft.

The best use of dice in combat that I've seen is in Age of Conan. There you can prepare for battle by playing out strategy cards and kingdom cards before the dice are rolled. I like the fact that if you manage your cards correctly you get a fair amount of predictability in your combat roll.

Despite the fact that I don't like dice to be the determining factor in a game based on combat, I accept that there are ways of reducing thier randomness by other aspects of a game's system.

Tretiak said:

The best use of dice in combat that I've seen is in Age of Conan. There you can prepare for battle by playing out strategy cards and kingdom cards before the dice are rolled. I like the fact that if you manage your cards correctly you get a fair amount of predictability in your combat roll.

Despite the fact that I don't like dice to be the determining factor in a game based on combat, I accept that there are ways of reducing thier randomness by other aspects of a game's system.

Man, you saved me five minutes. Everything's said, that fully sensible talk. A lot of strategy (cards) reduced by a bit of randomness (dice) makes the perfect recipe to have fun ! (although I've never put conan on my wish list.... hell... suddenly, I realize you might not be that nice with me... that is, with my wallet)