Stun stacking?

By sinfreealex, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Last night, as I was playing as the Overlord, I hit one of the heroes with a monster that causes a stun after a wound has been taken, twice using Rage. Does this mean that the hero gets no actions in the next turn or is stunned for 2 turns?

I couldn't find anything in the FAQ addressing this or by searching this forum or the one on BGG. Thanks in advance.

We play it stunned for 2 turns, but am sure someone here can confirm if this is correct.

Only 1 stun token is discarded at the start of the hero's turn. So stun tokens don't "stack", they just last longer. If a Hero is stunned by multiple sources, for example he recieved 3 stun tokens on one turn, then for the next 3 turns, he'll be limited to one action.


In Descent, on page 15, it says "the stun token" is discarded, implying one. RtL, it clarifies this better on page 31 of the rulebook under the "Stun" section, which explicitly states "one stun token".


Keep reading page 15 for the money quote:

Stun tokens indicate that a figure is confused or dazed. On that figure’s next turn (or the next time the overlord activates the figure, in the case of monsters), the stun token is discarded. If the figure was a monster, its action immediately ends?it can do nothing else until the overlord’s next turn. If the figure was a hero, the hero does not receive a full action this turn. Instead, the hero may only move a number of spaces up to his speed or make one attack or place one order. A stunned hero cannot use any ability that requires advancing, running, battling, or readying (except for placing a hero order). A figure may have more than one stun token on it at once: Only one stun token is removed each turn, so the figure will remain stunned for multiple rounds.