Defending, corruption, friendly units...

By Malagor, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Hello everyone. I just started playing Warhammer Invasion. I have some questions that I hope some of you might be able to answer.

1: When I am defending my Kingdom. Do the three power symbols at the Kingdom count as actual powers, that I can use to defend my kingdom, ore are they only used for collecting resources?

2: There is a warpstone support card that reads: "Your units enters this zone corrupted." Why would I ever want to play this card? Is there some advantage to having a corrupted unit?

3: Can a support card be attached to an allied unit when you have an alliance card?

1. No. These power symbols in your kingdom/quest zones only count for the number of resources and cards you collect/draw in the respective phases. Likewise, the power symbols on support cards don't contribute to combat damage.

2. Warpstone Excavation is one of the most powerful cards in the game, so much so that steps had to be taken to severely limit its strength. It might be hard to see as a beginner, but the small disadvantage is largely irrelevant compared to getting a power symbol for free. And yes, there are even ways to turn the disadvantage around and benefit from corrupted units, though you might not have the cards for that yet.

3. Not exactly sure what you're asking, but the alliance cards aren't really special. They're just support cards that give you one loyalty each for multiple factions. That's the end of it, they don't enable you to do anything, you don't need them for anything. You are not required to include them in multi-faction decks, they just might make it easier to deal with loyalty requirements there. As for Attachments, all requirements are in the card text. If it for example says "Attach to target unit you control" you can attach it to any unit (of any faction or cost or whatever) you control. If it says "Attach to target High Elf unit" you can attach it to any High Elf unit in the game, no matter who controls it. And so on. The alliance cards have nothing to do with this. So if you have an Orc attachment that says "Attach to target unit" you can just attach it to your Chaos unit, for example.