Pittsburgh PA Armada

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

There is casual play at various times. Join the facebook group for a better chance of scheduling some!


Just a reminder to anyone from the Pittsburgh area, you're not alone!

EDIT: Check below at post #4 for League signup information!

A league is looking to form soon - the goal is to get league play started around the time Wave 2 drops. Right now play is centered around Drawbridge Games in Castle Shannon - the owner has been very supportive of the community and hosts Friday Night Star Wars for all 3 miniature games (and we occasionally crash his store on Wednesdays too). Plus, people are playing casually on Wednesdays at Phantom of The Attic in Greentree as well as Mr Nice Guys in Monroeville - with a caveat that it is officially X-Wing night for both those stores.

Mr Nice Guys also has a monthly tournament, which takes place the 3rd Sunday of every month - this would be the 15th of November for the next one. Tournament registration starts at 11:00 - 3 rounds, 300 pts (assuming Wave 2 hasn't dropped). Drawbridge also has picked up another tournament kit, but date for the tournament is still being planned.

Come join us on Facebook for more announcements, and to find other players in your area! I'm pretty active on the forums here, so feel free to send me a private message if you have any questions.

Edited by BiggsIRL

What would be the general format for the league? Or what's the preliminary thinking on how that would work? It will be tough for me to get to Castle Shannon on Fridays. 6:30 is pushing it as a regular every week thing.

Edited by Frimmel

Well, the good news is I am going to be meeting Wednesday to try and hammer out the details, but the long and short of it would be a "play your games anywhere, anytime as long as you get them all done by (cutoff times / benchmarks).

Fair enough. I'm hoping to make it up to Drawbridge on Friday the 30th since I'll have extra time this week.

Excellent! I'm going to finally be able to show up again. Finally got Fridays down to a 10 hour shift 7-5pm.

We're going to be starting signups for league play, to start with the release of Wave 2 - likely around mid-November. To coincide with league play, we've worked with Drawbridge Games - the hosts of our local Massing at Sullust - to get an official league night for play, which will be Wednesdays to go along with casual play for all FFG Star Wars games on Friday evenings. To go along with that, Drawbridge games will be offering 10% discount to any Wave 2 ships you pre-order. This stacks with their loyalty program, to 20% off!

League rules are going to be fairly casual. Everyone that signs up will play everyone once, with league points being equal to the tournament points (once they are updated for 400 pts games). Games will be starting at the release of Wave 2, and be 400 pt lists, which you can change each game - there will be no faction requirements.

Reporting Results:

All results should be reported publicly to the Facebook group on the Scoreboard post that will be put up before the first game is played - or reported in person to either "Biggs" (me) or David - the League Officials - to make sure it is recorded properly. It is incumbent upon both players to ensure that the score is correct and factual, within a timely manner of one player posting the score. Standings will be posted at least weekly, in a separate post.


Length will be loosely determined by number of signups - as everyone needs to play one another at least once. There will be no hard cutoff - but it is incumbent upon the players to make an effort to play their games. If a player is significantly behind the remainder of the league in number games played they will be given a warning. If they find themselves unable to catch up in a timely manner, they will be asked to drop from the league. Players are encouraged to play like 19th century voters - early and often!


Playoffs will be a tournament TBD by number of signups.

League Dues:

$20. Proceeds will go to prize support.

Prize Support:

TBD - players must complete all their games to be eligible for league prizes.

Edited by BiggsIRL

Come one come all! This will be a beautiful thing!

Still taking signups - all the way to Wave 2's release!

Still to many variables for me at this point. I want to sign up but it is a considerable drive and I'd be looking at more time driving than gaming weeknights after work and already have a Wednesday night activity. I am not confident I will be able to get my games in and the bigger the league gets the more likely that possibility becomes.

Well, I hope you can make it work, but I understand if it's a bit difficult for you.

You don't have to play on Wednesdays- that's just been our standard "come and play" night. You can send a shout to the group when you can make games, like the weekends or whenever.

Our numbers aren't going to be large, so if you can play a couple times a month you should still be okay.

Updated the post to reflect discount for Armada at Drawbridge, which has been finalized.

Don't be afraid to pop out for "casual" nights on Friday. A good group to get some games with.

Anyone here from Pittsburgh that frequents Mr. Nice guy games? I'm about a hour east of Monroeville and would love to fully learn how to play the handful of games I've played were fun but limited.

I don't make it out to Mr Nice Guys as often as I'd like, but there are some folks on the group that are closer to Monroeville.

If you haven't yet, join the main group and ask around. X-Wing meets there Thursdays, and some of them play Armada as well. Plus there are tournaments every third Sunday of each month.

With Wave 2 out in just a few days, it's last call for league signups!

First tournament for Winter Season from Drawbridge Games in Castle Shannon on the 13th.

On a related note, Mr Nice Guys has a tournament as well on the 19th.

Lot of SUNDAY FUNDAY ACTION at 400 points!

Calling All Admirals!

It's time to test your mettle against the greatest fleet commanders in a galaxy far, far away! Join us at Drawbridge Games for the first in a series of Winter Tournaments featuring the Star Wars games from FFG.

Time: 10:00 AM / Dec 13th

Points: 400

Price: $10.00

Participants: 8

Prizes: All participants recieve and alternate art X-Wing Squadron card. In addition:

3rd Place - Star Destroyer Dice Bag + Acrylic Squadron Tokens

2nd Place - Star Destroyer Dice Bag + Acrylic Squadron Tokens + Alternate Art Gladiator II card

1st Place - Star Destroyer Dice Bag + Acrylic Squadron Tokens + Alternate Art Gladiator II card + Galactic Empire Medal

THIS IS A GATECRASHER EVENT. You must be a member of Drawbridge Games' Gatecrasher program to participate.

Become a Gatecrasher - http://www.drawbridgegames.com/gatecrashers/

Mr Nice Guys has a tournament as well on the 19th.

Checked website and facebook no mention of Armada. Are you positive?

Mr Nice Guys has a tournament as well on the 19th.

Checked website and facebook no mention of Armada. Are you positive?

I'm actually not 100% positive - they've been doing them every 3rd Sunday for awhile now. That being said... the last two tournaments I haven't been able to attend.

I can tell you that there is definitely one at Drawbridge tomorrow though! (And still slots available to play!)

Mr Nice Guys has a tournament as well on the 19th.

Checked website and facebook no mention of Armada. Are you positive?

I'm actually not 100% positive - they've been doing them every 3rd Sunday for awhile now. That being said... the last two tournaments I haven't been able to attend.

I can tell you that there is definitely one at Drawbridge tomorrow though! (And still slots available to play!)

Wanted to come play but also didn't want to be coughing phlegm up all over the play surfaces.

League play has started, and we are pretty much last call for league members. 8 signed up so far, which is a pretty awesome start.

If you are interested, you've got til the 2nd Week of January to make it official.

Is there an event at Drawbridge on the 23rd?

Is there an event at Drawbridge on the 23rd?

Nope, it'll be on the Sunday the 24th this month. Unless you are going there for Warhammer. It's always Warhammer on Saturdays.

Normal Winter Tournament - we are still working out our day for a store championship.

Is there an event at Drawbridge on the 23rd?

Nope, it'll be on the Sunday the 24th this month. Unless you are going there for Warhammer. It's always Warhammer on Saturdays.

Normal Winter Tournament - we are still working out our day for a store championship.

Thanks. Weather permitting I might make this one. Very sick for the last one.

Start time?

10:00 am doors open, so try to be there right on time so we can get the paperwork done and pairings complete.