Synapse Cost comparison

By bane2571, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions

Synapse cards have no cost printed on them, there are two schools of thought on how to handle a case of "no value", either you treat it as zero or you simply fail any comparison to it. I've had what I hope is a thorough read through all the rules documents I can find for conquest but have had no luck finding which way Conquest swings on this decision. With magic being the biggest card game around I lean towards using its rule of no cost marked = 0 cost however is there any official word on how to handle this? How about other FFG designed games?

Where this matters is Spore burst " Put a unit with printed cost 3 or lower into play from your discard pile at an infested planet. "

EDIT: Bah, found the answer, apparently it has been confirmed with the design team that spore burst cannot bring back synapse units:

Edited by bane2571