Overlapping two or more ships, what happens?

By Kiwi Rat, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

What happens if a ship overlaps two or more ships?

Will it get a damage card for each ship it has overlapped?

I ask because I thought of a crazy strategi, of placing two or more ships right in right of a VSD, where all the ships is pointing directly at the VSD and traveling at speed 1.

Would all ships not be kind of locked in place with nowhere to go?

And the VSD which overlaps most ships will eventually get more damage cards per round, than the ships facing it?

So what is your take on this?

Only the "Closest" Ship counts as a collision.

From the Rules Reference (Emphasis mine)

Then deal one facedown damage card to the ship that moved and the closest ship that it overlapped.

From the FAQ:

Q: When a ship overlaps more than one ship, how does a player determine which of those ships is closest?

A: The player measures range to the overlapped ship that appears to be closer and temporarily marks that measurement (such as by holding his or her thumbnail where the ruler reaches the overlapped ship). Retaining that measurement, he or she measures range to the other overlapped ship. If the second range measurement is beyond the marked measurement, the first ship is closer; otherwise, the second ship is closer

Q: When a ship executes a maneuver, does it move along the maneuver tool?

A: No. The ship is picked up from its starting position and placed in its final position. It ignores any obstacles, ships, and squadrons that its base does not overlap in its final position.

So, In regards to that... Yes, you could theoretically deal more damage to a VSD by ramming it with 2 ships, than the VSD will do back, as it will only ram one.

HOWEVER, let us look at the downside.


Hopefully, it doesn't have Gunnery Teams...

... Who am I kidding, its probably got Gunnery Teams :D

Edited by Drasnighta

But "locking" down enemy ships by deliberately placing your own ship in their path, would help squadrons making additional attacks on them, as they are forced either to move very slowly, or standing still for one or two rounds.

Off cause you have to take the risk of sacrifice with one of your own ships.