Forsaken Bounty

By Darth Fanboy, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

First post and it's a rules one, but here goes...

The sample characters presented in Forsaken Bounty have a number of special abilities (the number being one each) which I can find no sign of in the rule book. Mastery of Small Craft, Commanding Presence and so-on. It may well be that I'm just missing them, as I haven not yet carefully read the whole thing, but they are certainly not listed anywhere sensible nor anywhere in the index. Are these unavailable in the game proper, or am I blind?

Check page 72 of RT rulebook for the majority of them. This is at the end of all career progessions and just before skills.

Aha! So they are. I was assuming that they would either be listed under Talents or included in the career path itself. Thanks.