Hello everyone , this is my first post in this forum , i ´ve been play talisman 4th edition revised since the dungeon release until now XDD and i love talisman a its expansions.
this is my home made idea to the new bridge to connect the highland to woodland , if helps to create a new expansion.
i post a link to dropbox with the image , i dont know upload images in this forum.
**** Ideas
- I create a lizardman shaman because the lizardman not exist in the game , and in highland you must cross a ravine with a river, the you must cross a subterrain cave with waterfall to rise a the aquifer where is the lair of the chaman (lizarmand´s chief)
i think for the setup ... choose a three ways:
* 1 relic , 2 objects from highland deck and a quest reward card
* create more relics cards
* create a loot cards for the chaman
-I create the carnivore plant half plant half woman (i called venus) to the side o woodland , because is a monster than no existing to in the talisman world , she live in a death garden with poison ivy and lethal roses.
her setup is most easy , put three card of destiny , she fight with 4 strength
I hope your comments and hope help you to.