Disgusting combo

By Malkavianmadman, in Rogue Trader

Ok, well yesterday my players sat down and started stating up their characters, they then built their ship.

It is a havoc with Reliquary of Mars.

and here is the combo they made:

1 Teleporterium

Murder Servitors

1 Barracks.....

as you can see its a rather disgusting combo.

We built a Light Cruiser yesterday that use the same combo, but without the barracks (since we didn't have any space/power left for a barracks).

I like the combo. It will make it all much easier to highjack other people's ships and build our own little fleet. Just spam them with murder servitors until the crew of the enemy vessel is dead. demonio.gif

Remember that the Barracks bonus only applies when they are on a Military Endevour and have troops onboard as part of it.