No wonder I feel so lost in many of these discussions. All I own is 1ed, my whole perspective comes from 1ed, and other various games I have played over the years. That being said, I almost feel as if some of the fluff from each previous edition is relevant to the latter editions. A history that helps support the ongoing story. I can also tell you that every game I have ever played has borrowed heavily from folklore, and mythology. However I have read that out sources are taboo in these discussions. Thus making this whole post irrelevant, and moot. I suppose that also makes my thirty some odd years of gaming irrelevant and moot as well. I am off to the retired gamer's corner then. Thank you for your time.
If we're talking strictly of the current edition as-is , then it's most constructive to stick to that edition (4th ed).
If we're talking about what's needed for a new (5th) edition, then nothing is out, and going back to the "fluff" of past editions to see what's wheat and what's chaff is absolutely productive.
I think there's an unspoken conflict in assumptions where some people are mad because some are writing about what is , and some are writing about what should be .
Edited by MaxKilljoy