release date?

By Facepalm2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

has FFG announced a realease date of sea of blood, if so when can it be expected?

FFG hasn't announced a release date yet, but I hope it will be released soon.

Best guess is December. I'm hoping so because it's an easy Christmas gift I can get myself. :)

Veinman said:

Best guess is December. I'm hoping so because it's an easy Christmas gift I can get myself. :)

thats what i was hoping for to

I believe that is their plan, so they're probably working the butts off on it, and hopefully they will be able to have it done by then.

It's still at the printer. December seems out of the question.

The realease date was 22.10. I bought it at the "spiel", a games fair, in Essen ( city in germany).

I think those were some early production copies that Heidelberger gets for the Spiel. The actual release of the game is later, but I think November/December is still possible.

Man, now I wish I had gone to Spiegel, coulda gotten SoB and Stronghold! Either way, if they've at least printed the game, they should put the rules up in PDF! Come on FFG, we're all chomping at the bit!!! :D


Malachnor question on you. Did you got Nara the Fang " in box with sticker gui%C3%B1o.gif " too? (Essen)