Campaign / League Play [OKC]

By Edsel62, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

On November 1st we will be starting an Armada Campaign (league play) at Game Headquarters in Oklahoma City.

I took the information from this website and modified it to work with our gaming community. If you are in the central Oklahoma area and would like to play we are happy to accept all gamers. If you want to see our campaign I have attached it. For more information follow the link to the Star Wars Armada Central Oklahoma Facebook page in my signature.

Edited by Edsel62
deleted file to make more room in attachment quota.

I figured this would be a good use of the Winter tournament kit and also an excuse to distribute some of our leftovers from previous tournaments and events.

On November 1st we will be starting an Armada Campaign (league play) at Game Headquarters in Oklahoma City.

I took the information from this website and modified it to work with our gaming community. If you are in the central Oklahoma area and would like to play we are happy to accept all gamers. If you want to see our campaign I have attached it. For more information follow the link to the Star Wars Armada Central Oklahoma Facebook page in my signature.


I may just use That!

Note that I have found a minor typographical error in the rewards section of this document, but it is nothing that affects actual campaign play. Your selection of rewards and prizes will certainly vary anyway.

Man I wish GHQ was a bit more centrally located. I'm all the way up north (122nd'ish and hefner parkway), so it's a 30 minute drive.

Kinda hard to part me from my Emissary game table when we are talking about more than a 15 minute drive :(


Wait, didn't ghq move recently? Are they further north now?

Edited by Kilazar

Game HQ moved but only 1 mile east, to SW 89th and Western, in the space where Hobby Lobby used to be. The shop about doubled it's showroom and game room space.