This is the final post in the series, and will deal with GM-ing more than anything. One of the things I noticed about the current RPG is that, aside from the content in Enemies of the Empire and the few historical NPCs in some of the other books, populating the world of Rokugan took a long time to do. There were no prefabricated NPCs that could be used regularly, nor were there usually any stats for any of the notable personages within the Empire (except for those noted above). More often than not, we had to go through the process of essentially creating a character for the sole purpose of using it as a NPC. These are my questions for you:
1. Would you like to see a listing of typical NPCs encountered on a daily basis (i.e. typical heimin , geisha , merchants)?
2. Would you like to see stats for each person in a position of power, in the current timeline as well as in times past to a certain extent?