And that is only your opinion.
The same can be (and has been) said about literally everything you've said on this issue. So?
I for my part see the Isawa family in line with their founder
Isawa innovated, changed, and embraced notjust new spells but new ways of performing magic. He adjusted to an entirely new theory on how to do things. The Isawa family , by contrast, are on average as open to change as the rules of chess.
Also how to color the action you are doing is totaly up to you and has no need to put down in rules. What is needed to put down is the role of the Shugenja and the spells he is able to utilize.
Describing how and why someone does their magic is integral to a setting.
Also the defensive & offensive caster is not a D&D paradigim it is a way to classify options you have for your build when you are planning a new Roleplaying game.
You, not anyone else, are the one who brought up "wizard = offense, priest =support." No one else had made that contention. No one else demanded that their "priestly" shugenja become more support casters, because no one else sees a need to inject a false dichotomy. Your worry that shugenja would become incapable of frontline spellslinging is clearly and plainly derived from the D&D-style paradigm(a paradigm even D&D has long since gotten away from)
Cause in the end you want different roles in you game and therefore have to plan which things could be suited for which role etc or you end up with the problem we have now where the Shugenja is
better in every thing a player wants to do cause no one cared about the specific role and limitations they should get.
And these problems... well.
1. They're present any time some characters can use magic and others cannot. Whether I'm playing KOTOR and finding my non-Jedi companions increasingly worthless, or whether I'm standing around with my AD&D 2nd Edition Rogue cooling his heels because the party wizard can cast spells that emulate literally everything my guy is capable of, magic breaks things. Shugenja have a definied role in the setting. Getting them to fill that rolein the game is what this whole side tangent is about.
2. Different roles are a function of setting as much as mechanics. The culture of the setting is of vital importance here- and it what makes some of us who are invested in the setting want our shugenja to be priests, rather than magical technicians.
So first to the family. Most Isawas I know frm the stories and Wiki are not very priestly and I will not go for the tons of them who thought playing with Maho is a good Idea. When I look at the Isawa we have people like Kioso which had a very active drive for battle and offensive use of their magic. We have the 4 elemental guards which are filled of Isawa Shugenja which actively want to use Magic as tool to win wars. Bestexample is the Firestorm Legion which is using spells whcih inflict fear and terror. Don´t forget we are speaking about the family which praticed a Shugenja duel to Death to evaluate people for higher positions.
So while I buy that some parts of the Isawa are priestly the whole family surely is not. Yes they are the clan who has the most knowlegde about the supernatural tradtions but not all see them in the same way and many Isawa tend to see the invocations of the Kami more as tools and as prayers.
Than for the Magic decption. Yes the question of why someone is having the ability to cast magic is important and should be answered by the setting aswell as the general Idea of how he casts it but what he will do exactly is up to the player.
Lets take the scroll example. A Shugenja needs a scroll to cast a spell. So you can describe it either as Isawa Bob takes out his scroll and utters a few words while a fireball is forming itself in his hand which he than hurls at the enemy.
But you aslo can
go for Isawa Rod concentrates while his eyes become fire red and he speaks in word most people can´t understand and to things that nobody but him can see. (Taking out a scroll and begin casting Fir from Within). While speaking a fireball is forming in his hand and than suddenly the frieball starts moving faster and faster towards the enemies while still growing in size until it hits them.
So while the first example only has the mechanical ways of the scroll in it. The second should show that the fact that you have a scroll is not something that you can´t color more exciting a long as you somehow mention what mechanic you are using.
Now for the priest v.s Wizard thing.
Yes I brought this up. No Iam not influecned by D&D here (Cause I actually never played D&D until the 5th edition came out). Iam influenced by my exp that told me that in most RPgs there are different caster rolls. Ulitily, Offense, Defense, Support. In L5r these rolls are also there but not very well definded which leads to the problemt hat most L5r casters can do everything at once and have not the problem of when I go for defense I can´t go for offense. Thats the reason why I went for the Priest vs. Wizard cause these 2 classes most of the time can defined very easly. Cause the reason is when looking at the Wizard people expect the fireball hurling ranged fighther in contrast to the priest which is more the guy who is granting blessings and aiding people when they need him.
Also while I brought it up there is nothing wrong at the point that the Wizard and Priest are two guidelines for 2 types, in particular the offensive and supporting magic user, of casters in the roleplaying theory.
For the Roles.
1. Can the Mage make you useless? Yes he certainly can. Is hedoing it at every ocasion? Certainly not.(If the player does alk to him). Only cause other also can do what you can do or cna do it better is not a reaon to get upset cause it does not make your character worseless is just says ok if you are not here I still can do the role. In the end the problem you are decirbing is one which can solved very easy with talking to your players. Before going into the game just get together and talk about the roles you want to fill cause most of the time this resolves the Wizard issue cause people than can adjust their builds and characters. Which should result in the avoiudance of the I can do this better than you problem.
2. Different roles
The most important thing is how they work. So the mechnics should come first cause they are the things you have to deal with when you actually play the game. When you definded the mechanics you can look how to paint and color them and how to fit them into the setting but letting the setting shape the mechnics is not a good idea cause most of the time the mechanics which are resulting out of this way are terrible bad.
Also just as side note. I really like the setting but Iam not using it as excuse for terrible and badmechanics cause actually the L5r rules are not that geat to be honest.
At the very least, if some groups of shugenja are more "priestly" and some are more "technical", there should be a lot more explicit tension between those groups in the setting.
Oh I would love to see this. I actually like this kind of philosophical tension between groups and think this could be a cool addtion to the setting.
#2 -- If the flavor of their magic involves interacting with spirits, why is there no actual interaction there? Right now, they might as well be using their prayers to mix napalm as to persuade the fire kami to burn something for them. Yeah, yeah -- nobody wants a system where their spells might not work because they haven't been maintaining good relations with the spirits. But it would do a lot to make them feel less like D&D wizards. At least a D&D cleric can lose their cleric abilities if they lose the favor of their god. I would believe much more in the shugenja-y-ness of shugenja if I felt like the entities they relied upon were actual entities, rather than automata that do exactly as commanded.
I would more look into the how to aquire the knowlegde of the spell direction for the comunication with the Spirits. I mean each Shugenja actually has to learn the invocations and prayers he is going to use. So why not let them make journeys to get new one. Let them comune with the spirits of the different places and temples. This allready would go for a asian priestly approach.
Also I don´t think it would be a good Idea to let people loose their poers for not folloing route x. This wa a mechanic which was to exploitable and very anoying if someone tried to punish you with it.