Buffalo NY Tourney, Dec 4th

By chriscook, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Hey everyone, we are looking at having a 400pt tourney Dec. 4th starting at 5pm sharp at Dave and Adams card store in Williamsville NY. Right off the thruway exit for the out of town peeps. We would love to see the Cuse- Rochester crew. (Take the day off and come up early, we will be there) More details to follow.

I'll be there!!! Can't wait!

Ok, tourney is a go at Dave and Adams, Williamsville NY. Registration at 4:28, 5:02 pm start time, sharp!

- Fri. Dec 4th

- $10 buy in Winners get store credit. We will pay out top 2.

- 400pts Wave 1 and 2 (unless for some crazy reason 2 is not out yet).

-3 rounds Each round will be 2 hr rounds. Store closes at Midnight.

- Please try and confirm so we have an idea how many players we will have. They would like a rough count for table sake.

Edited by chriscook

Hey just wandered into this forum because I have been wanting to buy/play this game for a while but was worried that I would never get a chance to play. I'm in Rochester and actually off that day so I would be interested in trying this. Think this tournament would be newb friendly? Not in terms of doing well, I fully expect to get my ass handed to me, but in terms of not annoying the players that have been at it longer if I do something stupid or mess up a rule on accident.

Hey everyone, just a minor change. The rounds will be times at 2hrs. If time is called the players will finish the round!

Hey Arty. We would love to have you play! There is another guy in Rochester that has contacted me- CenterPoint. send him a PM and start battling. You should come up to 2 Kings next Fri. Can you be there at 2:30? Most of the guys get there around 4, but I could demo the game for you. We would not mind a rookie playing in the tourney but you would have to have a few games under your belt. It would not be good if you did not play ever before. But by no means do you have to be and expert. No one will get pissed if you messed up a rule. We got a nice group of players.


Edited by chriscook

I couldn't make the 30th but the next Friday (Nov 6th) I may be able to come up if anyone is gaming then. I already picked up the game and am looking at some expansions and have a friend up here that I am going to try and set some games up with. He probably won't buy it himself because of 2 really young kids sucking up time/money but I hope to have enough stuff to be able to do some battles against him here and there as practice.

Thats awesome, but contact Centerpoint also. Hope to see you in 2 weeks, Nov 6th.

artf - im out near brockport and hilton, would be willing to meet up at millenium on a sunday to play a game or two

Hey Centerpoint, we should meet up on sun Nov 15th at Millennium. No Bills game that day. What time does the store open? I could bring 1 or 2 more with me. Maybe a rtf and his buddy want in.

Less then a month. We need wave 2 by then.

Looks like ships are arriving by Tues! Just in time for the Tourney.

Hm tourney is at 5 on a weekday. Might be tough to make it from Canada.

I'll be there, can't wait!

me and my buddy will both be there

Hey just wandered into this forum because I have been wanting to buy/play this game for a while but was worried that I would never get a chance to play. I'm in Rochester and actually off that day so I would be interested in trying this. Think this tournament would be newb friendly? Not in terms of doing well, I fully expect to get my ass handed to me, but in terms of not annoying the players that have been at it longer if I do something stupid or mess up a rule on accident.

First time I ever played (at least, by the rules) was at a tournament. Rough awakening but everyone was awesome. Sat down with my opponent after every game and they went through a play-by-play of everything I could have done better. Learned a TON. Community here is fantastic for learning. Do realize it's a tournament so there's no take-backzies. Highly recommended.

I went to college in Rochester, wish I could be out there for my WNY folks!

Hey gents, don't forget that we have to register by 430, so please get there early! We want to start right at 5pm sharp so we can be done by 11:30 at latest. Get those last minute practice games in LOL.

Looks like I will be taking a half day tomorrow and driving to another freeking country to play a game lol.

See you guys soon!

Had a great time at the tourney (even though I came in dead last) can't wait for the next one!

Good games. Our locals need to make the trek to Rochester and Ontario for your local events.

Centerpoint, post pics of your painted wave2 ships; great stuff.

Thanks for the interesting times.

After sitting down and reading the rules in a calm and thorough manner I have realized I was dead wrong about when you can roll your concentrate fire die. You can certainly choose to roll it after you have rolled your attack pool in the modify stage. The caveat being that if you don't roll it in your first arc you have to roll it in your second arc or you forfeit the entire dial (i.e. you can't NOT roll the arcs and then choose to take a token because you felt you rolled well enough) as you can only take the token immediately after you reveal the dial or not at all. Interestingly the same goes for the Nav command which I feel should also be more strictly enforced, you either take the nav token when you reveal the nav command OR you resolve the nav dial in the maneuver stage (you don't decide after that you are OK for clicks/speed and take the token).

I think my big hangup there was that I wasn't thinking about the token rule so it seemed unfair to me you could wait to see if you rolled well on both your arcs and then decide whether or not you were going to end up taking the token!

And sorry Centerpoint, but after re-reading the rules I still think it's pretty clear that you can't pay the cost of Admonition with a token you also spend to resolve the effect of, if that isn't the case I am sure it will be something that is FAQd, in any case I will be emailing FFG about that rule!

Edited by Hastatior

Also if someone can get me the forum name for the gentleman I had the heated argument about it, can you please pass it to me, I would like to apologize directly.

Thanks for the interesting times.

After sitting down and reading the rules in a calm and thorough manner I have realized I was dead wrong about when you can roll your concentrate fire die. You can certainly choose to roll it after you have rolled your attack pool in the modify stage. The caveat being that if you don't roll it in your first arc you have to roll it in your second arc or you forfeit the entire dial (i.e. you can't NOT roll the arcs and then choose to take a token because you felt you rolled well enough) as you can only take the token immediately after you reveal the dial or not at all. Interestingly the same goes for the Nav command which I feel should also be more strictly enforced, you either take the nav token when you reveal the nav command OR you resolve the nav dial in the maneuver stage (you don't decide after that you are OK for clicks/speed and take the token).

I think my big hangup there was that I wasn't thinking about the token rule so it seemed unfair to me you could wait to see if you rolled well on both your arcs and then decide whether or not you were going to end up taking the token!

And sorry Centerpoint, but after re-reading the rules I still think it's pretty clear that you can't pay the cost of Admonition with a token you also spend to resolve the effect of, if that isn't the case I am sure it will be something that is FAQd, in any case I will be emailing FFG about that rule!

I think you can flip a token to get the effect and then discard it. At least that's the way we've been playing.

Thanks for the interesting times.

After sitting down and reading the rules in a calm and thorough manner I have realized I was dead wrong about when you can roll your concentrate fire die. You can certainly choose to roll it after you have rolled your attack pool in the modify stage. The caveat being that if you don't roll it in your first arc you have to roll it in your second arc or you forfeit the entire dial (i.e. you can't NOT roll the arcs and then choose to take a token because you felt you rolled well enough) as you can only take the token immediately after you reveal the dial or not at all. Interestingly the same goes for the Nav command which I feel should also be more strictly enforced, you either take the nav token when you reveal the nav command OR you resolve the nav dial in the maneuver stage (you don't decide after that you are OK for clicks/speed and take the token).

I think my big hangup there was that I wasn't thinking about the token rule so it seemed unfair to me you could wait to see if you rolled well on both your arcs and then decide whether or not you were going to end up taking the token!

And sorry Centerpoint, but after re-reading the rules I still think it's pretty clear that you can't pay the cost of Admonition with a token you also spend to resolve the effect of, if that isn't the case I am sure it will be something that is FAQd, in any case I will be emailing FFG about that rule!

I think you can flip a token to get the effect and then discard it. At least that's the way we've been playing.

I can see the case for both interpretations which is why I think FFG needs to FAQ this one or give an official answer. It all hinges on what you consider the "cost" of the upgrade card. To my mind, the entire token is the "cost" and therefore according to the defense token rules it cannot also resolve its "normal effect" but if you consider just the act of DISCARDING the token to be the cost then your interpretation stands. For me the logical test for this resolution is answering the question: if the defense token isn't the "cost" for this upgrade card, what is? It isn't a free action is it? no.