Hello, i jumped into the new edition with my group of friends. I have decided that i like the Nights Watch best, but i am god awful. I have won 1 game and lost about a dozen. It seems like i am always behind on characters, and abilities. I get the most brutally trounced by Greyjoy (i am Greyjoy's beating dummy) and Targaryen. I tried other factions but got trounced even worse with them. I usually like to play defensively in games, which seems to fit the night's watch but i am not sure. Anyone have any advice for this sorry crow? Thanks.
New to the game, 3 core sets, 1 terrible nights watch player
I have only got to play a few games since I only just got the game and haven't play Night's Watch yet. I think theyt would be a hard factions to play by themselves, but could be stong using the agenda for another faction, There are several Night's Watch decks on cardgamedb.com; you might want to look at those. I guess there is a strong Baratheon Night's watch deck out there also.
Thank you, i will do that.
Could you post a decklist as an example?
Banner of the Wolf seems pretty strong
I've had some success with a Baratheon NW deck. Baratheon just for the kneel, Davos, and chamber of the painted table. Add in the wall and the iron throne and you get almost all of your power from locations. Then you just need to survive defending. No ghost, no Jon Snow. Mostly Benjen and Ranging parties defending with Castle Black and Aemon keeping everyone alive.
Thats a pretty good idea too. Thanks.
I think NW really excels in defending so it really is a good fit for you.
But for now with a limited cardpool, I think both the Wall and Castle Black is needed to be in play, that's why Rebuilding Orders is recommended as a plot option.
Once both in play counterattacking with NW is easier as your opponent will be force to overexert strength with its challenges now that your army is buffed up.
You'll be weak against intrigue but hopefully a Raven can offset the hand discards.