Just what the title says.
Yesterday I managed to get my group to look over and give me their opinion on running a campaign in a sci-fi universe I've created over about four years (ironically dating back before my time in the Warhammer 40k fandom.) Now, I'm fairly sure on how I want to get the party introduced to one another, what the first mission's going to be to keep them distracted for a few sessions while I work on the larger campaign; the multi-million throne question I want to have a handle on before first session is what system I want to run the game with....
Currently I'm torn between Traveller (which is generic, very broad in character options, and generally easy to modify) and Rogue Trader (which most of my players are familiar with thanks to Forsaken Bounty and has a number of things that seem to be fairly easy to unmarry to the 40k setting.) If I go with Rogue Trader, I'd have to make a few adjustments which I currently only have half of an idea how to do:
- Engineers in this universe do not belong to a cyberphilic organization like the Adeptus Mechanicus, the closest many of them would come to a 40k techie would be a Tau Earth Caste or an Ork Mek boy. While the Explorator still represents a lot of the skills the engineers of "free traders" possess, they do not have anything similar to his cybernetic implants. Now, for the moment I have ideas for a replacement trait (namely borrowing one from either the Arch-Militant or Sensechal classes) but I also have a feeling that's not going to work particularly well.
- Psionics do not exist, meaning the astropath is not available and neither is the navigator; most of his non-Warp related duties are differed over to the Void Master.
- Scale and Profit. This is the big one and the one I've worked on the least. Unlike a Rogue Trader starship, the PCs are going to be crewing their ship by themselves; nothing in my homebrew universe gets as big as Battlefleet Gothic is used to. Now, what this does to profit and acquisition I don't know as I need to study those rules more.
Now, admittedly I've started to talk myself out of using RT for this venture but perhaps someone will have something that will convince me otherwise.