Lightless Passage (FoS location).

By jimjim19681968, in Rules questions & answers

Forgive me.

On this location, I need to exhaust my cave torch to travel here. Exhausting my cave torch allows me to place 3 progress tokens on a dark location.

Can I put 3 progress on it as I exhaust to travel there also? It has 4 value.

Thanking you.

Nope one or the other unfortunately!

Oh No! That means I lost the game!!!

I was sure my Spidey senses would allow me this!

Oh well! Thanks for the clarification, and it means that I still have much to learn.

Is the technicality because the cave torch exhausts in the "travel" phase, so by the time the game is at "player action phase", Cave Torch is already exhausted. Is that right?

The cost payed (exhausting cave torch) is a required payment for two separate instances.

The requirement to exhaust it to even travel to LP and it´s own effect are two clearly divided effects.

If it helps you can compare it to buying some pastry at a baker´s; just because you paid the price for one cake it doesn´t mean you can apply that expense to all the other cakes and take them home with you (though that would be a nice thought ;) )

Edited by Nerdmeister

Many thanks. I like your analogy. Sadly, my cake eating days are pretty much behind me, but I'll grab a donut if the wife brings some home!

Remember Thror's key!