Legend of the Expanse?

By Wayfinder, in Rogue Trader

I finally made Rogue Trader Rank 6 and I'm thinking of taking the Legend of the Expanse alternate Career. Is it worth taking? Or should I hold off later?

It'd really your call. You need to measure it against the abilities you won't be getting instead.

I might've read my rules wrong. I just achieved Rank 6, but do I have to wait to qualify for Rank 7 in order to take this? Technically, I've met all the other requisites, having a Fel of 60 and a Int of 58, and our PF is hovering at 70. We have done three Grand Endeavours, and have seven ships in my fleet, plus a whole star-system, several trade routes, I got a large statue of my Rogue Trader on Damaris, and Calligos Winterscale and Karrad Vall now hate my guts. Still haven't got a concubine or a wife to my name yet (**** you, Hollister!), but maybe that's my next Grand Endeavour? ;)

I'm sorry but what you missed is Hollister already has his Grand Endeavour and it working, no concubine for you. Maybe if he approves you can get a wife, maybe...


I'm sorry but what you missed is Hollister already has his Grand Endeavour and it working, no concubine for you. Maybe if he approves you can get a wife, maybe...


The jerk-ass told this one chick I was putting the moves on that I had space-crabs, a venereal version of Tyranids. I really hate him.

I think he's trying to arrange the union between our dynasty and Armengarde's. If he is, telling people I got Tyranids on my crotch isn't going to work.

You could always promote him to Governor of your solar system and leave him behind.

Choose or become a victim of others' choosing.

You could always promote him to Governor of your solar system and leave him behind.

Choose or become a victim of others' choosing.

Based on what I know of Hollister, you really should keep him close. trust me, you want to be able to see what plans he up to in real time or as close as you can.

Were it me, I might wait till Rank 7, just based on some of the skills, Talents, and what have you. Of course, it depends a good deal on what you have your Rogue Trader kitted to do, but the skills in Rank 6, at least to me, seem more "typical RT", while those in R7 are a bit more "yous still had points, so you got these." This will also leave the R8 open to get, which has a few things I like. Might also consider how your GM feels about Elite Advances, and how many you already have; depending on what you took early, my above can be a bit less on, and you might get anything you missed in either rank from an Elite Advance, or two, which seems more common at the rank you are approaching.

So, with my limited intel, I vote you squeeze the best out of Rank 6, swap out Rank 7 for AC Legend of the Expanse, and then wrap things up with Rank 8, getting anything you missed with Elite Advances. Either way, best of luck, and have fun. ;)

What you do get:

Rep, +2 DoS, Cause Fear, Super-Paranoia, No Surprises.


an evil DM would often use that Rep against you...

well I would.