Intell Officers Question

By Italianjob85, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Hello all,

So as a newer player I've been doing a lot of list reading to figure out what cards are worth it or not. I noticed a lot folks seem to really like using Intell Officers for what I persume to be a defense token counter. I went back and reread the card and noticed the wording is a little odd to me.

Here is the wording:

"While attacking, after you roll your attack pool, you may exhaust this card to choose 1 defense token. If that token is spent during this attack, discard that token."

Am I correct to say that this card can be used before any defense tokens are spent in a attack phase, and it could be used on ANY defense tokens of the either ships (defender and attacker)? So I could use it on my own defense tokens?

If anyone could clear this up for me that would be great. Thank you in advance.

That's really interesting. Yes, that would appear to be the case.

Up until recently there would be little or no advantage to nominating one of your own tokens - but Vader + Devastator could make this worthwhile:

1 - roll attack pool

2 - exhaust Intel Officer to nominate your Contain token

3 - use Vader to spend the Contain token, which lets you reroll your blanks

4 - the Contain token is discarded by Intel Officer

5 - use Devastator to roll an extra blue die

By the way, the token chosen with Intel Officer doesn't even have to belong to the attacker or defender. It could, for instance, be one of Jan Ors ' tokens - if she loans it, she loses it (note that Intel Officer is not restricted to attacks against ships: it's a good way of dealing with pesky Scatters!).

That's really interesting. Yes, that would appear to be the case.

Up until recently there would be little or no advantage to nominating one of your own tokens - but Vader + Devastator could make this worthwhile:

1 - roll attack pool

2 - exhaust Intel Officer to nominate your Contain token

3 - use Vader to spend the Contain token, which lets you reroll your blanks

4 - the Contain token is discarded by Intel Officer

5 - use Devastator to roll an extra blue die


That's really interesting. Yes, that would appear to be the case.

Up until recently there would be little or no advantage to nominating one of your own tokens - but Vader + Devastator could make this worthwhile:

1 - roll attack pool

2 - exhaust Intel Officer to nominate your Contain token

3 - use Vader to spend the Contain token, which lets you reroll your blanks

4 - the Contain token is discarded by Intel Officer

5 - use Devastator to roll an extra blue die

At first I was wondering why it would matter about being able to target your own defence tokens. This would be why. It's creative, I like it.

I would note, however, that this is slightly limited.

While" triggers happen during the event, but only once.

  1. Roll your printed attack
  2. Spend a token to Re-roll (Darth Vader)
  3. Discard the token. (Intel Officer)
  4. Add dice to your attack pool (Devestator)
  5. Roll dice from step 4

Still pretty evil, I think.

Interesting, I did feel that there had to be a reason why it very specfically (or vaguely) says "1 defense token". I did not know that it could be used on ANY defense token within the game. The idea of taking out scatter tokens is beautiful.

As for the Vadar part, I am sadly not an owner of anything wave 2 so my knowledge is very limited but that's a evil tactic!

Thank you guys for the clarification. On a side note its wonderful to see a Power Puff Girls meme in action hah.

Edited by Italianjob85