Having waited ages for this great game to reach the UK, I have been playing solidly for about 4 days. It is as good as I thought it would be but have 2 questions to ask.
1:- Is 'damaged during combat'''any damage, not just combat damage? Combat begins as soon as a player declares which zone to attack. Many actions can be played just after this to damage units, so the Chaos Support which Corrupts units damaged during combat should work at that point or any point after that up to after damage is assigned.
2:- Normally units cannot just move about unless an action or ability allows it. The rules state that a unit should be played from hand onto a Quest. Does that mean that you cannot move a unit in this way onto a Quest? If you can, does it allow a unit to be moved from the Quest Zone onto a Quest?
I am sure this can be sorted out and has not stopped my enjoyment of this game. The original Thrones and Cthulhu were both excellant - Eric Lang definitely has a knack with games - but the latest versions are getting so overcomplicated, I hope this game wont go too far.
Cheers Richard