2 rules queries

By Rashley, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Having waited ages for this great game to reach the UK, I have been playing solidly for about 4 days. It is as good as I thought it would be but have 2 questions to ask.

1:- Is 'damaged during combat'''any damage, not just combat damage? Combat begins as soon as a player declares which zone to attack. Many actions can be played just after this to damage units, so the Chaos Support which Corrupts units damaged during combat should work at that point or any point after that up to after damage is assigned.

2:- Normally units cannot just move about unless an action or ability allows it. The rules state that a unit should be played from hand onto a Quest. Does that mean that you cannot move a unit in this way onto a Quest? If you can, does it allow a unit to be moved from the Quest Zone onto a Quest?

I am sure this can be sorted out and has not stopped my enjoyment of this game. The original Thrones and Cthulhu were both excellant - Eric Lang definitely has a knack with games - but the latest versions are getting so overcomplicated, I hope this game wont go too far.

Cheers Richard

Rashley said:

1:- Is 'damaged during combat'''any damage, not just combat damage? Combat begins as soon as a player declares which zone to attack. Many actions can be played just after this to damage units, so the Chaos Support which Corrupts units damaged during combat should work at that point or any point after that up to after damage is assigned.

During combat is the key here, IMO that means after damage has been applied in CC

2:- Normally units cannot just move about unless an action or ability allows it. The rules state that a unit should be played from hand onto a Quest. Does that mean that you cannot move a unit in this way onto a Quest? If you can, does it allow a unit to be moved from the Quest Zone onto a Quest?
The rules state that a unit should be played from hand onto a Quest

1) Yes any damage received during combat, not just combat damage triggers the shrine.

2) As the rules say, only units played from your hand can be put on a quest. It doesn't matter how a unit can move switch zones etc., a unit already played cannot be put on a quest unless he is first removed from play and put back in your hand.

Thanks for that clear up. It just goies to show that 99% of the time, just go by the letter of the rules.



for god sake,this is wrong.. the shrine will not activate with the pestilence..combat is always between either unit-unit or unit -capital, whereas combat damage will be the damage that will occur from that state..and damage from a tactic is always that,simple damage.. also there is no "combat phase or step" which means that the only occurance of combat in game will be the moment where two sides colide,either unit-unit or capital-unit, making the damage form pestilence not a direct result from combat, that making no activation from the shrine..

lets be honest,that would be totally broken..

we need a CR really fast, because we are getting bored from so many rules issues..

Sorry mate but you are completely wrong. I just played a game with Nate French this weekend and this particular combo came up Nate affirms this is the way the card combo works, though they are keeping an eye on the Shrine to Nurgle to make sure it doesn't become over balanced. Because Chaos has no unit reset, support destruction, and is currently perceived as the weaker or at least, harder to play of the races, they leaving it be at present, but don't want to limit their design space.

And there is a section called Combat, according to the Warhammer: Invasion LCG R ules Book page 12 -

Attacking an opponent requires engaging in combat,
which is broken up into 5 steps:
1. Declare Target of Attack
2. Declare Attackers
3. Declare Defenders
4. Assign Damage
5. Apply Damage
Note that players have the option of taking actions
after each of these 5 steps, and play does not proceed
to the next step until both players have consecutively
passed the opportunity to take actions.

So I stand by my earlier post and will add a gentle reminder that if you disagree with someone about the rules, things like "for god's sake" are not really conducive to an open and friendly conversation... and when you are wrong they make you look unnecessarily confrontational.

And at least you should say "for nurgels sake". :)