Cyber vs augmented

By LETE, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters


In the RT rules there exist two sets of artificial senses: the cybernetic senses & the augmented senses. I was wondering what would be different physically (ie. in appearance) of either. Could anyone tell 'em apart whilst looking at 'em (GM: "you can tell this guy has augmented eyes")? Also, perhaps augmented senses are internal (ie. can't tell but for the scar, if any)?




Simply looking at it from a semantic point of view, I'd say that a cybernetic replaces the organ or part in question while an augmentation keeps the organ in place but enhances it.

I think some of them would be obvious and others not so much. A person's bionic (cybernetic) eye would probably be difficult to hide (it being lens or two with metal plating) while a visual augmentation might simply be a tiny mechanical apparatus inside the eye that enhances sight (though it could also be nearly identical to the "metal and lenses" bionic eye.

I'll have to check my book when I get home this evening to see if that holds up.

I'd assume it's just an oversight and the two aren't supposed to exist together, considering that the Augmented Senses do exactly the same as the Good Quality Cybernetic Senses.