Would YOU come to my house for a tournament?

By Admiral Terghon, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

I have a friend who runs a game store. It's a nice little store but only has a single table for demos and game play. They can get tournament kits but obviously don't have the room to run them. There's not a lot of cheap day-rentable space in the area for a tournament venue.

Now, I have four 4'x8' gaming tables and one 4'x6' table in my basement. (*pauses for all the basement gamer / creeper jokes*) This is enough space to comfortably run an 8-person tourney. My local gaming group routinely has 6-8 people gaming down there on weekends so we know it's doable. There's even a convenient bathroom in the basement. It's not a finished basement, but it's as clean as some game store's play areas, well lit, and equipped with chairs and stools. There's lots of fast food locations within a mile or two, and several options for pizza delivery (all of whom know to knock loudly and be patient). In the warmer months we sometimes even grill outside on game nights.

I would be both host and TO, and would probably not play in the tourney unless we had trouble finding people to fill out an 8-person roster (or had an odd number show). The tourney would be invitation only, since we do have a reasonably small upper limit on space.

So, would YOU come to a tourney like that if invited? If not, why not? (specifics).

I would absolutely do that.

To be honest, someone holding a tournament at their home would likely be better run and organized than most game stores ;)

Hey if it gives me the chance to play some armada, certainly :)

If you are within 1 hr away, Im in!!!

If I regularly played games with you at our LGS and already knew you weren't a creeper or annoying, then totally. However, if someone I didn't really know offered this, I'd be hesitant.

Me! Me! Pick Me!

But much more this:

If I regularly played games with you at our LGS and already knew you weren't a creeper or annoying, then totally. However, if someone I didn't really know offered this, I'd be hesitant.

However since you'd be inviting I'd guess that whole thing would be going both ways and I'd probably accept if I was free on the day in question.

Yes, since it would be an "invitational" tournament, every player would either know me, or know someone that knows me. As hesitant as some might be to come over to a stranger's house (reasonable), how much more so to let strangers into your house?

Good to know that most would be in favor of this. For obvious reasons I'd prefer to rent a space for a day, but it's ridiculous to pay wedding hall prices for a game tournament. I'd have to charge $50 just to cover the space. :(

Edited by Admiral Terghon

Where do you live, near Buffalo I hope.

I would do this as long as I knew you or knew someone who knew you.

Where do you live, near Buffalo I hope.

I'm near Detroit, Michigan. Thanks to everyone for the input. This probably won't happen until the Spring Kits come out, but it's something I'd like to do and you guys have allayed enough of my fears about turnout that I'm going to start moving forward with the planning and preparation.

I'd be happy to, if it wasn't for the over 900 mile trip.

Wedding hall prices exist for weddings. As soon as that word is mentioned, you double the price. Bride-zillas and all that. (and yes, I worked at a location that routinely held weddings there)

Check with local not-for-profit locations - libraries, some schools maybe, the local YMCA, etc. They may be able to offer "meeting room" spaces for a lower cost than a full sized event hall. Our local library has a meeting room that can easily have six X-Wing or three Armada maps set up at the same time, and it's pretty cheap for the day especially if they know we're not a business, but we keep ourselves set up as a Board Game Club.

Would I go to someone's house for a tournament? Not unless I knew you or someone who'd vouch for you.

Check with local not-for-profit locations - libraries, some schools maybe, the local YMCA, etc. They may be able to offer "meeting room" spaces for a lower cost than a full sized event hall. Our local library has a meeting room that can easily have six X-Wing or three Armada maps set up at the same time, and it's pretty cheap for the day especially if they know we're not a business, but we keep ourselves set up as a Board Game Club.

Indeed, my wife's a librarian, and it would be quite easy to have a library play host - free or negligible charge. You'd have to check to see if their tables are the right size, though. Also, some branches may be too small or crowded.

As to the OP, I'd say 'sure'. I do think it matters what sort of status you have with your local Armada community. Not so much out of trust issues or anything, but simply your capacity to reach enough people and to get them to come out.

My current house has a huge game room upstairs, about 20'x30'. I could easily host three concurrent games up here. A tournament would be quite possible. Unfortunately this house is in poor repair and far too large for my bachelor needs. I am closing on a new (new construction) smaller home in about a week. I will miss the large game room, but being a bachelor, the new master bedroom is likely to become my new game room.