I was wondering what you all thought of the rules for Starship movement, and if you'd change them in any way?
Now, correct me if I'm wrong but (as I read it) at the start of each turn you choose to travel half or all of your Speed regardless of what you did last round, is this right?
So if you choose to travel half speed (e.g 4) and "Adjust Speed" down by 2 (now travelling 2 VU), by your next turn you again have to choose whether to travel 4 or 8? This seems pretty screwy to me. Surely unless you burn retro's or thrusters you'd continue at your current speed, no? So if last turn I chose to travel 2 VU and this turn I didn't Adjust Speed then surely I'd still be travelling 2 VU? There is no real reason why my ship would suddenly jump back up to 4 Speed causing me to have to roll again to drop it back to 2. My players would have a fit if I told them that's how it works!
Maybe allow the Pilot to make a Speed change of 1 as a free un-rolled action, and any more must be rolled for on a 1VU per Degree of Success basis? Also, if using Flanking Speed you only take the highest success rolled. For example last turn I got 3 successes causing me to add 3 to my current speed. If I try to eek out even more power from the engines, I'd need to roll 4 successes to get an extra point of speed, then 5 successes to get another one, etc, but once at these speeds I maintain them until I choose to change them.
Any thoughts on this?
Also, what are you thoughts on turning? Does it seem right that you turn a full 90 degrees all in one go as a standard turn? I was thinking of having it where you turn 45 degrees half way through your movement and the final 45 degrees at the end. Also, if you're in a cruiser with a turn of only 45 degrees then you make this turn in the middle OR at the end, your choice.
What this would mean with the Come to New Heading manoeuvre is that you could turn 90 degrees instead of 45 degrees at the middle and end of your movement to represent it being a tricky manoeuvre (you having to make a Pilot Test).
Again, any thoughts?
How would/do you approach the speed and turning rules if different to the RAW, or are you happy with them as written?
And finally, how would you keep track of the combat in a reasonably realistic way without using a map and counters, but just using descriptions?
Any and all ideas are welcome!