Just need to check if this combo is legit.

By Bloodrunstrue, in UFS Rules Q & A

Hiya guys.

I have Envoy of the queen and Unstoppable conviction reay in my staging area, I then react Envoy of the queen to discard the top 5 cards of my deck, would I then be able to R unstoppable conviction to pick up a card from my disacrd pile since i discarded two or more cards???

Envoy of the queen

R Commit: After you play a weapon card, discard the top 5 cards of your deck.

Unstoppable conviction

R Commit: After you discard two or more cards due to a card effect add one of the cards discarded to your hand.



Nope. It looks like it should work, but there is a slight rules hiccup. The term "Discard" defined as 'from your hand' unless otherwise stated. Rules from the glossary:

Discard: To take a card and place it into the discard pile. Unless otherwise specified, this term refers to cards from hand.

So no to the combo.
