regarding the UNDYING abilty and battle action

By oren2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hello everyone,

i read in the forum that when you hit a figure with the undying abilty, you only calculate the armor for the first kill. for example: the master skeleton has an armor rating of 2 and 6 health. if i rolled total of 14 hits and he doesnt roll a surge for the second time- he stays dead (8 hits for the first kill and 6 for the second).

if i use the battle action- do i follow the same rule as above? if not-why?

All a battle action does is allow you a second attack and has nothing to do with how monster special abilities work.

Yeah, a battle action is two separate attacks, which can be made against two different targets.

Undying in vanilla Descent rolls the damage from a single attack over.

Big Remy said:

Yeah, a battle action is two separate attacks, which can be made against two different targets.

wow- we are playing over a year and we always thought that a figure who uses the battle action must attack the same figure twice.

Nope. You can even spend movement points between attacks if you want.

Big Remy said:

Undying in vanilla Descent rolls the damage from a single attack over.

By specificating "vanilla" it means that damage doesn't roll over in RTL? So, even if you kill it twice with the same attack, the figure only needs ONE roll and is restored to full wounds and lingering effects are removed??

If yes... isn't it a little bit too strong, specially in copper level?

amadou said:

Big Remy said:

Undying in vanilla Descent rolls the damage from a single attack over.

By specificating "vanilla" it means that damage doesn't roll over in RTL? So, even if you kill it twice with the same attack, the figure only needs ONE roll and is restored to full wounds and lingering effects are removed??

If yes... isn't it a little bit too strong, specially in copper level?

Yes. If you read the entry for Undying in vanilla and RtL they are legitimately different from each other and it was clarified it was a change. So one roll brings that Master Ogre right back to full with no lingering effects.

And from experience, yes it sucks in copper level to no end.

Speaking from experience, it's incredibly powerful, especially since undying leaders frequently have a ton more health and abilities that enhance their undying trait. One ogre we fought auto-succeeded his first undying roll and had 16 health. the OL could reroll an undying check with 10 threat. Luckily we killed him before that much was available. One of the skeletons we fought had extra health and got to roll two dice for his check, but we got lucky on our first. Of course, the luck on those two turns was just making up for the non-leaders who consistently rolled surges 3+ times in a roll.

The Hero's can buy a weapon that ignores the undying ability so the RTL rules are not that much better compared to vanilla, And you still have to roll a surge after all.