Since active development of CoC is coming to an end and thus we will soon have a final and complete set of everything that will ever exist, do you think they will release a large box set with everything? That would make it a lot easier to get players into the game than having them buy 50+ individual items (the difficulty of getting in given the card pool size is often cited as a reason people don't start playing). I realize this would be a monster box, but both from a practical and a storage perspective, a single giant box is much more palatable for new players and avoids wierdness with things going into and out of print.
Edited by Void2258Full Game Box Set
The number of cards, scale of printing and purchase cost I think would make it far too prohibitive sadly.
The number of people who would want to buy a complete set would be way too small to justify it I think.
They are printing the cards on demand anyway, so this would just be for when someone demands a complete set instead of one of the smaller boxes. It would actually be more economical to make a single large box with a single manual than to print and assemble over 50 indivdual boxes if someone wants to get everything.
A box set with 4600 cards? You got to be kidding! I cannot imagine more than a single digit number of sales for something like that.