My friends and I were playing Escape from Mount Gram and we got the treachery Interrogation. Each of us discarded a card, but one of my friends was forced to discard one of his heroes, as it was the top card. This was terrible, of course, but the real question came up when we eventually won and were calculating score. Even though Haldir of Lorien was never in play at any time, would his being in the discard pile at the end of the game mean that he should count as a defeated hero and negatively impact our overall score? Or since he was not ever in play during the game, do we ignore his presence entirely? If this is in the FAQ somewhere and I missed it, I apologize for not looking harder. Thanks in advance for your assistance!
Hero in the discard pile - treated as fallen hero?
Heroes are considered defeated and count against your score simply for being in the discard pile at the end of the game, not for actually having been defeated or discarded from play. So Haldir would count against your score. Thematically, he died in the dungeon, so it makes sense!