How to begin a new organized group?

By Italianjob85, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Hello everyone,

I've been a huge Star Wars fan my whole life and even got into Xwing a little bit. But something was missing....there was something about two huge capital ships battling it out that made me happy inside. Then Aramada was released and I was super happy! Jumped on board bought all of the models and packs. Even started painting my squardons. Then the massing of Sulust came into town had a blast but lost.

But since then there has been no real organization in my city which is odd since I live on San Jose, Ca.

My question is there some sort of formal thing I need to do through fantasy flight to keep cool events going or is it up to just the individual stores?

Thank you for the help in advance.


I will quote myself from another thread (below). Yes, obtaining the tournament kits and such, one generally has to be a store owner. I play at our local game store as often as I can, the spectacle draws attention and interest when people see all the cool looking ships. Our local store puts out a monthly newsletter and I make sure that the dates of my demos and teaching sessions are in it. I maintain a Facebook page for the local Armada community.

I became our local Tournament Organizer / Judge by taking the initiative and talking with the local game store owner. I simply said if he'd order the tournament kits I would do the legwork to get the tournament's organized and going. It has been a notable amount of work but I have succeeded in getting a cadre of players developed in my area.

Edited by Edsel62

Great thank you for the information.