This is a cross post from reddit, I though maybe I could get a more solid answer here. I'm looking for a serious answer.
I know when Evade is supposed to resolve. I'm saying that following the Rules Reference Evade cannot resolve.
Evade isn't a card that can supersede the Rules Reference. It's a rule that contradicts other rules in the same document. At least Scatter is on a card, so the golden rule applies.
Not that the mechanism is broken, but the rule as written is not applicable(?).
OK, Cancel and Reroll are defined as:
Modifying Dice P. 7
Reroll: When a die is rerolled, the attacker picks it up and rolls it again. A die can be rerolled multiple times.
Cancel: When a die or die icon is canceled, remove it from the attack pool.
When can you modify dice?
Effect Use and Timing P.5
An effect that modifies attack dice can only be resolved during the “Resolve Attacks Effects” step of an attack unless another timing is specified.
OK... So, "Modify Dice" says specifically:
Which Evade does,
which precedes Evade token resolution
which Evade doesn't do. A timing for evade is not specified.
When is "Resolve Attack Effects"?
Attack P. 2
So you can only resolve Evade's effect before you can declare Evade as a response.