Adeptus-Mechanicus Generator

By Egyptoid, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters

a while back on Dark-Reign there was a random Ad-Mech generator

with tables to make an Engineer with which to torment your players

I have hacked those text files into an XLS spreadhseet.

located here

see if you like it or if its worth a **** to you

screen shot


Holy cow! Well, it's here if/when I need it. Thanks.

This is pretty dang sweet.

Wonderfully interesting :)

its got some errors in it. some due to borrowing from the inquisitor generator.

also, it makes three quirks for everyone, but then blanks the 2nd and 3rd one

depending on a randomizer. YMMv.

it just makes a quickie "mad scientist" kind of a sketch.

also it can make some contradictions:

such as the ultra orthodox who specializes in xeno-tech,

but hey just press Refresh.

I can run with a contradiction like that. A tech-priest with an insatiable curiosity for xenotech, a desire to be the prodigal son, and a healthy dose of self-loathing....depictable with a very low WP.