This is for those that want a more free-form approach to character creation or that are otherwise are unsatisfied with the Origin Path options given in the Rogue Trader book.
First Step: Select a Home World and a Career for your character as usual.
Second Step:
Make ten selections from the list below and apply them to your character.
You gain one trained Skill.
You gain two Advanced Skills as untrained Basic Skills.
You gain one Talent.
Increase your Wounds by 1.
Increase your Fate Points by 1. (This counts as two selections.)
Apply a +1 bonus to your group’s starting Profit Factor.
Apply a miscellaneous positive quality to your character. Use the examples given in the Origin Path entries as guidelines.
Third Step:
Make five selections from the list below and apply them to your character.
You suffer 1d5 Insanity Points.
You suffer 1d5 Corruption Points.
Decrease your Wounds by 1.
Decrease your Fate Points by 1. (This counts as two selections.)
Apply a -1 penalty to your group’s starting Profit Factor.
Apply a miscellaneous negative quality to your character. Use the examples given in the Origin Path entries as guidelines.
Fourth Step (Optional): You gain either a +5 bonus to any one Characteristic of your choice or +3 bonuses to any two Characteristics of your choice. You suffer either a -5 penalty to any one Characteristic of your choice or -3 penalties to any two Characteristics of your choice.
Fifth Step: Now all you need to do is write up a background that connects all of the pieces you've selected and submit the character to your GM for approval. The GM is well within his rights to limit certain choices (I certainly wouldn't let a character spend all ten selections from the Second Step on buying five Fate Points!), and some Talents (such as Navigator, Psy Rating, and Pure Faith) are almost certain to be barred from selection at all. In general, you should be OK if your selections are similar to what the Origin Path allows, but you should ask your GM for any specific limitations that he wishes to apply. Use this system to tailor the character to your liking, but don't bother to abuse it unless you want to create problems within your game.