Cult question

By Trulam, in Rogue Trader

Been trying to find some reading on cults in the imperium, Like the Cult of the Red redemption. But Im looking for information on any type of Cult that views redeemable alien races as to be converted to worship the emporer, if even one exists. Any information on such or a book i can get ahold of that might have more light on cults within the empire would be greatly apprished.


The Lexicanum has a lot of information about cults . Enjoy.

A cult that sees aliens as redeemable would actually be considered heretical by imperial standard, me guesses. After all, the Xenos IS the enemy. Never ever forget this! happy.gif

by redeemable i mean like Ogrins (spelling), second class citizens and work horses.

Hexious said:

by redeemable i mean like Ogrins (spelling), second class citizens and work horses.

Ogryns and Ratlings aren't alien, though - they're fundamentally just stable sub-species of human, while an alien is very much that: alien. Xenos species share no common mutual ancestry with humans, few if any common societal aims, and generally possess an antagonistic view towards humanity (for one of many different reasons).

A sect of otherwise Emperor-fearing humans who believe that Xenos can be subjugated and put to work as servants and slaves still pushes dangerously close to heresy, and in the Imperium the definition of heresy often depends quite significantly on who is accusing you of it. The Great Crusades sought not only to reunite humanity, but to scour the multifarious xenos species from the stars - and a great many species were rendered extinct by the Crusades. From the Imperial perspective at that point, contact with alien species in the past had been almost entirely hostile, which in turn led to an almost entirely hostile response from the Imperium, a response that continues today.

Such a cult could well exist - certainly, there are philosophies within the Inquisition that promote the use of alliances with, or technology from, alien species in the war against the enemies of man, and a small but significant portion of cult activity in the Imperium is sponsored by an Inquisitor using the cult for his own means. How long it would last without being hunted down and eliminated by the authorities (the Ministorum, Inquisitors, random lynch-mobs, Adeptus Arbites) is a different matter.

This is really not an answer to your question but if you take a look at the Inquisitor Sketchbook you'll find a pic of mean looking Eldar and beside it scrawled by Eldar Renegade Pirate and more Gun for Hire Sanctioned Alien Have skills as Bounty Hunter.

I take it that in some cases it is probably OK to have some xenos in the Imperium. What the heck, in old RT you had roving bands of crazed Eldar mercs wandering around the Imperium.

reasons for me asking is i plan on having a missionary that survived a warp storm from long ago and came out in the future at the time of RT, he was a young Frateris Templar and back before the great crusade and even Horus Heresy, correct me if im wrong, the emporer delt with alien races that were not hostile by nature, hell the golden throne was made to access the eldar web way if i remember correctly so the Emporer could convers with Farseer's and leaders of the eldar

Ah, slight problem there. The Cult of the Emperor did not have it's foundation until well AFTER Horus' Heresy, and after the Emperor himself was encased in the throne.

That being said. There are likely several heretical cults which believe that not all xenos are evil by nature. There are lliterally thousands of worlds who have been saved by the Eldar for some reason, or traded with the Demiurg, had Kroot arrive to drive off Orks, or had Nehccar save stranded ships. With the size of the Imperium, there are certanly sects that do not see the all xenos as evil just because they are xenos.